I can't edit the columns. The column details tab is empty. I've tried this on 6.2. as well.
17:01:50 [INF][ WBContext]: Parsing application arguments.
17:01:50 [INF][ WBContext]: /usr/lib/mysql-workbench/mysql-workbench-bin
17:01:50 [INF][ WBContext]: /home/stephan/Downloads/stephan (1).mwb
17:01:50 [INF][ WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values:
base dir: /usr/share/mysql-workbench
plugin path: /usr/lib/mysql-workbench/plugins
struct path: /usr/share/mysql-workbench/grt
module path: /usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules
library path: /usr/share/mysql-workbench/libraries
user data dir: /home/stephan/.mysql/workbench
open at start: /home/stephan/Downloads/stephan (1).mwb
open type:
run at startup:
run type:
Force SW rendering: No
Force OpenGL: No
quit when done: No
17:01:50 [INF][ WBContext]: WbContext::init
17:01:51 [INF][ WBA]: Looking for extension modules for WBA...
17:01:51 [INF][ WBA]: 0 extension modules found
17:01:51 [WRN][ grt]: /home/stephan/.mysql/workbench/connections.xml:24: link '491ae18f-7bc0-11e4-a74e-24b6fd1203a6' <object GrtObject> key=owner could not be resolved
17:01:51 [INF][ WBContext]: System info:
MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Linux/Unix version 6.1.7 revision 11891 build 1788
Configuration Directory: /home/stephan/.mysql/workbench
Data Directory: /usr/share/mysql-workbench
Cairo Version: 1.13.1
OS: Linux 3.16.0-25-generic
CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz (2629.199MHz) - 7,71GiB RAM
Distribution: Ubuntu 14.10
How to repeat:
- Open file
- Click on table and click on 'Edit'
- The columns tab has no content, even if there are columns