Bug #75024 Close tab with mouse logic
Submitted: 27 Nov 2014 13:09 Modified: 2 Feb 2018 14:22
Reporter: Leonardo Herrera Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.1.4 OS:Windows (Microsoft build 9200, 64-bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[27 Nov 2014 13:09] Leonardo Herrera
The current "x" button to close a tab is not well behaved. The tabs being different sizes make it difficult to point and click them; also, if you, by mistake, click the "x" on a background tab it will close.

Also, it may be very cumbersome to close a tab when it has scrolled just past the right (so the "x" button is not visible.)

How to repeat:
Have many tabs opened, try to close them.

Suggested fix:
- Implement middle-click to close tabs
- Make background tabs go foreground when clicked anywhere (even on the close button)
[1 Feb 2018 17:16] MySQL Verification Team
With 6.3.10 right click and select close from drop menu makes easy to close tabs.
[2 Feb 2018 14:22] Leonardo Herrera
That's better, but could be better. Middle click is a well known action (works with Chrome, Safari, etc.)

Also, tabs should be same size.

The problem with these tabs is that they are unpredictable and slightly different from every other implementation, enough to be uncomfortable to work with.