Bug #74991 Check for existence of MySQL Server
Submitted: 25 Nov 2014 2:32 Modified: 25 Nov 2014 5:35
Reporter: Philip Olson Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.2.4 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Nov 2014 2:32] Philip Olson
This is a feature request for MySQL Workbench to check for the existence of a local MySQL server under the following conditions:

  1. User attempts to connect to a typical local MySQL server (e.g., localhost,
  2. The connection fails

Seeing the likes of "Failed to Connect MySQL at" can confuse new users as they don't understand that MySQL workbench does not include (or is different from) MySQL server. It's too easy to give up at this point, so let's help.

The topic can use brainstorming but in the very least the error message could be more descriptive under these conditions, especially on Windows. 

Note: It should not be assumed that users use MySQL Installer, although its use can be encouraged.

How to repeat:
1. Wear your newbie hat
2. Install MySQL Workbench
3. Do not install MySQL server ;)
4. Attempt to create a local MySQL server connection, or really, attempt to use MySQL workbench
[25 Nov 2014 5:35] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Philip Olson,

Thank you for the report and feature request.
I completely agree with you on this "Seeing the likes of "Failed to Connect MySQL at" can confuse new users as they don't understand that MySQL workbench does not include (or is different from) MySQL server. It's too easy to give up at this point, so let's help"... 
