I see the MySQL workbench configuration for tcp/ip over ssh and notice a couple of issues:
(1) There's no possibility of specifying the ~/.ssh/config file, or to specify it. From what I see this does not get used by default, so any special "ssh routing" or other configuration information is not picked up.
(2) The ssh password probably does not need to explicitly configured but should be picked up by the ssh-agent. So it would be good to document how to use this (to avoid having to store or type in the password) sort of functionality.
(3) The remote unix user may have a defaults-file. It would be good to allow this to be picked up and let the information it contains be used without having to explicitly mention it. One easy way to do that would be to do the equivalent of ssh <some_host> "test -f ~/.my.cnf && cat ~/.my.cnf", and the parse the result of this file.
(4) The remote connection could be to a unix socket. Appropriate use of some tool would make that socket reachable from the workbench box using the credentials picked up as described above.
All of this would _simplify_ the connection information needed by MySQL workbench to something like:
use ssh-agent ... config details or whatever
use ssh-config-file .... config details or whatever
ssh host to connect to ... config details or whatever (it's now possible that you don't need to mention special ports as the config file will hold that info)
-- no need to explicitly configure the ssh user (as could be in config file)
get credentials from remote mysql-defaults-file .... yes
So thanks for adding the current functionality, but I'd prefer to reduce the amount of configuration that I have to provide explicitly and most of the ssh configuration information is already in a single place (my ~/.ssh/config file) and this can be common for several MySQL connections.
How to repeat:
Suggested fix:
See above.