Bug #74885 The mysql-server conflict with the amd-catalyst
Submitted: 17 Nov 2014 2:42 Modified: 27 Jan 2015 13:04
Reporter: Blockish Chu Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.6.21 OS:Linux (Redhat Enterprise Server 7.0(Kernel Version 3.10))
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Nov 2014 2:42] Blockish Chu
After installed mysql-server with yum on computer, The X-server can't initialize with installing linux-amd-catalyst.

How to repeat:
After installed mysql-server with yum on computer, The X-server can't initialize with installing linux-amd-catalyst. And the linux-amd-catalyst version is 14.6-beta-v1.0-jul11 with the fglrx-14.20. When the comand 'startx' then display error information "fglrx: No matching Device section for instance.(PCI 0:1:0)". But I have not the log file now.

The hardware of my machine:
CPU : AMD A10-5757M
VGA Device : AMD Radeon HD 8750M

OS: Red Hat Enterprise Server 7.0
Kernel : 3.10
arch: X86_64
X Server: XServer 1.15.0
[17 Nov 2014 21:42] Terje Røsten
It's hard to see how this can be related, can you provide some more logs?

Did you upgraded or installed any other package?
[18 Nov 2014 13:26] MySQL Verification Team
I agree with [17 Nov 21:42] Terje Røsten I couldn't guess how could be related.
[19 Nov 2014 4:10] Blockish Chu
I installed the amd-catalyst only, and then installed the mysql-server.
I'm sorry. But now I have reinstalled the operation system. I can't have more logs.
And now I try to install the mysql via making and compiling the source code.
[27 Jan 2015 13:04] MySQL Verification Team
I couldn't repeat this issue with Catalyst installed.