Bug #74752 Documentation Request on "Turning Off InnoDB" page
Submitted: 9 Nov 2014 2:00 Modified: 13 Nov 2014 13:08
Reporter: Chris Calender Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Daniel Price CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Nov 2014 2:00] Chris Calender
On the "Turning Off InnoDB" page in the 5.6 version of the manual, it states:

"Start the server with the --innodb=OFF or --skip-innodb option to disable the InnoDB storage engine."


However, the --skip-innodb option is deprecated in 5.6, at least per the message in the error log:

"2014-11-08 18:47:28 13524 [Warning] The option innodb (skip-innodb) is deprecated and will be removed in a future release"

Thus it seems the above sentence in the manual should be adjusted accordingly.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Remove "or --skip-innodb " from this sentence:

"Start the server with the --innodb=OFF or --skip-innodb option to disable the InnoDB storage engine."

Or leave in that it will work (because it still works in 5.6.21), but that "--skip-innodb is deprecated and will be removed", to be in sync with what the error log states.
[9 Nov 2014 3:54] Chris Calender
Changed to S3 from S4.
[9 Nov 2014 9:22] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Chris,

Thank you for the report.

[9 Nov 2014 9:23] MySQL Verification Team
// 5.6.23

2014-11-11 16:18:53 2182 [Warning] The option innodb (skip-innodb) is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
2014-11-11 16:18:53 2182 [Note] Plugin 'InnoDB' is disabled.
[13 Nov 2014 13:08] Daniel Price
As of MySQL 5.6.21, the "--skip-innodb" option still works but is
deprecated and will return a warning if used. It will be removed
in a future MySQL release. This also applies to its synonyms
("--innodb=OFF", "--disable-innodb", and so forth).

The documentation has been updated. The revised content should appear within
24 hours.


Thank you for the bug report.