Bug #74541 Windows sees 'mysql' client as 16 bit
Submitted: 24 Oct 2014 9:41 Modified: 24 Oct 2014 14:34
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.21 OS:Windows (7/64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Oct 2014 9:41] Peter Laursen
Since I posted this http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74341 something as changed as regards the client from the 5.6.21 package.  Windows refuses to execute with a message that 16 bit programs are not supported.

The 5.7.5 client still behaves as in http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74341

How to repeat:
Since I psoted http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74341 the only change I can think of is updates from Windows Update on Oct. 14th

Suggested fix:
I will try to reinsntall MySQL 5.6.21 and see if this is a repair for the problem.
[24 Oct 2014 9:42] Peter Laursen
The error when launching the client

Attachment: compability.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 67.33 KiB.

[24 Oct 2014 10:29] Peter Laursen
After closing the popup dialog, commandline reads:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin>mysql -uroot -p port=3310
Denne version af C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysql.exe er ikke kompatibel med den version af Windows, som du kører. Kontrollér systemet på din computer for at finde ud af, om du skal bruge en x86-version (32-bit) eller x64-version (64-bit) af programmet, og kontakt derefter udgiveren af softwaren.

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin>
[24 Oct 2014 10:51] Peter Laursen
After uninstalling and reinstallng from a freshly downloaded "mysql-installer-community-" package it works as expected.  Also not affected by the bug in the other bug report. Not sure what the problem was.
[24 Oct 2014 10:51] Peter Laursen
After uninstalling 5.6.21 and reinstallng from a freshly downloaded "mysql-installer-community-" package it works as expected.
[24 Oct 2014 12:12] MySQL Verification Team
Than you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat and according your last comment looks in someway is fixed?.
[24 Oct 2014 12:18] Peter Laursen
I don't think so unless more people report this. I will close.
[24 Oct 2014 14:00] MySQL Verification Team
did you save the mysql.exe file so we can look at it?
anyway, it was probably overwritten or corrupted.  see:

C:\tmp>echo hello > hello.exe

This version of C:\tmp\hello.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.
[24 Oct 2014 14:12] Peter Laursen
I did not save it.  But I can recover it from as Systems restore savepoint probably - if it makes sense to do so.

I don't understand the point with your hello.exe example.
[24 Oct 2014 14:26] Peter Laursen
I have a NTFS 'shadow copy' from Oct. 12th (2 days before the Windows Update Isuspected - so Windows Update is not to blame). The shadow copy throws the error. It is also only 2 KB large, so definitely it has corrupted somehow. The functional client binary is 4733 KB.

No clue how it could have happened. Possibilities include an 'error 40' (in this context this means an error occurring 40 centimeters from the monitor! :-9), some kind of crash may have happened at some point when it was open, some overly aggressive AV software could be the culprit ..
[24 Oct 2014 14:34] Peter Laursen
Hmm .. it is actually a plain text file having a directory listing o fthe topmost folder of my Window 'User Profile' in it and reading:

 Disken i drev C er System
 Diskens serienummer er CA62-D86E

 Indhold af C:\Users\Peter

03-10-2014  16:24    <DIR>          .
03-10-2014  16:24    <DIR>          ..
02-06-2014  16:05    <DIR>          .oces2
06-07-2014  12:51    <DIR>          .VirtualBox
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Contacts
10-10-2014  16:01           512.648 danid.log
11-10-2014  13:13    <DIR>          Desktop
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Documents
11-10-2014  12:47    <DIR>          Downloads
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Favorites
12-10-2014  17:03    <DIR>          Google Drev
21-03-2010  17:30         2.038.002 IMG_0093.JPG
04-09-2014  15:11    <DIR>          Links
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Music
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Pictures
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Saved Games
04-09-2014  12:09    <DIR>          Searches
12-10-2014  17:31    <DIR>          Videos
25-06-2014  12:26    <DIR>          VirtualBox VMs

 Indhold af C:\Users\Peter

               2 fil(er)        2.550.650 byte
              17 mappe(r)  89.590.452.224 byte ledig

I am mystified how it can end up there. But I have no reason to claim that it is an issue with any MySQL/Oracle software.