Bug #74441 Installation Failure on Yostemite
Submitted: 19 Oct 2014 13:41 Modified: 17 Feb 2016 5:36
Reporter: Fred Reimer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.7.5-m15/5.6.21 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: install, Yosemite

[19 Oct 2014 13:41] Fred Reimer
Installation package fails to install with a message to contact the software manufacturer for assistance.  This occurs during / after the moving stage.

How to repeat:
Run installation package on Ysemite

Suggested fix:
Fix the installation, but first, provide an installation log so we can see what the problem may be.
[20 Oct 2014 23:20] MySQL Verification Team
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=74466 marked as duplicate of this one.
[20 Oct 2014 23:21] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[1 Nov 2014 0:48] Nick Pettit
I think I've figured this out.

When I download either the DMG or the tar.gz archive for Mac OS X 10.9, the contents are actually for Mac OS X 10.8 (NOT 10.9 like it says)

I'm downloading it from this page:
[17 Feb 2016 5:36] Erlend Dahl
Posted by developer:

[3 Feb 2016 1:26] Daniel Fischer

There were several bug reports for this issue.
The bug causing the installer to fail the installation on OS X 10.10 and
newer was fixed internally on October 9, 2014, before this bug was filed. We
have been providing packages that did not fail installation for all releases
that were built after that date.
Remaining issues on OS X 10.10 were fixed internally in June-July 2015.
I verified that we are currently providing packages for OS X 10.10 both for
5.7 and 5.6.