Bug #74313 Add option to restrict logging of passwords in debug log of authentication_pam
Submitted: 10 Oct 2014 9:46 Modified: 11 Dec 2023 22:57
Reporter: Daniël van Eeden (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Pluggable Authentication Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.6.21 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: authentication, PAM, plugin, Security

[10 Oct 2014 9:46] Daniël van Eeden
If AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG is set debug logging is created for the pam authentication plugin. This includes logging of passwords.


Please add an option to create a debug log without passwords. This enables me to copy/paste debug messages without (accidentally) revealing passwords.

How to repeat:
Enable debug log for pam auth. Then grep for passwords.
[10 Oct 2014 9:51] Daniël van Eeden
Changed to S4
[23 Nov 2023 11:54] Georgi Kodinov
Posted by developer:
Manual testing of the new feature:


entering auth_pam_server
entering auth_pam_next_token
auth_pam_next_token:reading at [system-auth], sep=[,]
auth_pam_next_token:state=PRESPACE, ptr=[system-auth], out=[]
auth_pam_next_token:state=IDENT, ptr=[system-auth], out=[]
auth_pam_next_token:state=AFTERSPACE, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
auth_pam_next_token:state=DELIMITER, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
auth_pam_next_token:state=DONE, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
leaving auth_pam_next_token on /home/gkodinov/dev/B20042010-5.7/internal/plugin/pam-authentication-plugin/src/parser.c:195
auth_pam_server:password received
auth_pam_server:pam_start rc=0
auth_pam_server:pam_set_item(PAM_RUSER,foo) rc=0
auth_pam_server:pam_set_item(PAM_RHOST,localhost) rc=0


entering auth_pam_server
entering auth_pam_next_token
auth_pam_next_token:reading at [system-auth], sep=[,]
auth_pam_next_token:state=PRESPACE, ptr=[system-auth], out=[]
auth_pam_next_token:state=IDENT, ptr=[system-auth], out=[]
auth_pam_next_token:state=AFTERSPACE, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
auth_pam_next_token:state=DELIMITER, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
auth_pam_next_token:state=DONE, ptr=[], out=[system-auth]
leaving auth_pam_next_token on /home/gkodinov/dev/B20042010-5.7/internal/plugin/pam-authentication-plugin/src/parser.c:195
auth_pam_server:password foo received
auth_pam_server:pam_start rc=0
auth_pam_server:pam_set_item(PAM_RUSER,foo) rc=0
auth_pam_server:pam_set_item(PAM_RHOST,localhost) rc=0
[23 Nov 2023 16:35] Daniël van Eeden
That looks great. Thanks.
[11 Dec 2023 22:57] Jon Stephens
Documented behaviour change as follows in the NDB 7.5.33 and 7.6.29 changelogs, and the MySQL 8.0.36 and 8.3.0 changelogs:

    Beginning with this release, the behavior of the
    AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG environment variable used in debugging
    the PAM authentication plugin is changed as follows:

      ·Setting AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG to an arbitrary value 
      (except as noted in the next item) no longer includes 
      passwords in its diagnostic messages.

      ·To include passwords in the diagnostic messages, set

    For more information, see "PAM Authentication Debugging".

[11 Dec 2023 23:02] Jon Stephens
Change also noted in the indicated section of the MySQL Manual.