Bug #72944 Workbench Freezes and/or Shuts Down
Submitted: 10 Jun 2014 20:41 Modified: 12 Jul 2014 22:16
Reporter: Scott Noroozi Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:6.1.6 OS:Windows (8.1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Jun 2014 20:41] Scott Noroozi
I'm connecting to mysql through remote connection.  When I use 6.1.6. I would often get a 2013 error when trying to simply view rows of a table, and most times, the software would actually shut down.

I tried to remove the workbench folder under appdata roaming and reinstall, but it doesn't fix.

I've got 2 magento databases and an information schema appearing.

How to repeat:
For me just using 6.1.6 causes the issue.

I uninstalled and put 6.0.9 on the system and no issues.  Only difference I notice in software is the information schema doesn't show up in the older version.

Also, In both versions if I use schema inspector, it takes past a full minute to process and will also crash if I try to press any other buttons in the GUI

My windows is 8.1 64 bit professional. I'm connecting to two magento databases hosted on magemojo servers running nginx.

Suggested fix:
I have no idea, other than using the old version.
[12 Jul 2014 20:53] MySQL Verification Team
Please try version 6.1.7. Thanks.
[12 Jul 2014 21:44] Scott Noroozi
Seems to be working with 6.1.7. Thanks!
[12 Jul 2014 22:16] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback.