Bug #7259 Restoring DB bugs
Submitted: 14 Dec 2004 10:31 Modified: 15 Dec 2004 17:39
Reporter: Mickael Besson Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.17 OS:Windows (Windows NT4)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Dec 2004 10:31] Mickael Besson
Restore DB doesn't run. It seems that backup file isn't analyzed correctly.

Message when clicking the buttons 'Analyse Backup File Content' or 'Start Restore' :

Backup Fle : C:\path_to_the_bckup
Total Number of bytes : 0
Number of bytes proceed : 0

How to repeat:
Restore / Open backup file / Start Restore

You can try with my mysql DB (just analyse backup file).

Suggested fix:

see backup file analys
[14 Dec 2004 14:02] mike wilson
i open a similar bug 7208
you probably selected the wrong char set type
try latin1 instead of utf8

mike w.
[14 Dec 2004 15:16] Mickael Besson
No, it's a real bug because I've done exactly the same things (UTF8 on the same backup file) with 1.0.16 and 1.0.17 versions :
The first is OK, and second doesn't recognize data in this file...
Is it serious doctor ? ;b
[14 Dec 2004 15:20] Mickael Besson
You've right about the charset (OK with latin1), but why isn't it detected automatically as it was in v1.0.16 ?! ... not very practical ...
[15 Dec 2004 12:18] Andreas Götz
Same thing for me. Restore stops at 0 bytes processed.
[15 Dec 2004 17:39] MySQL Verification Team
Duplicate for #7208