Bug #7247 MD5 check sum utility problem
Submitted: 13 Dec 2004 23:26 Modified: 14 Dec 2004 1:25
Reporter: vinod aggarwal Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0 OS:Windows (win 98)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Dec 2004 23:26] vinod aggarwal
I down loaded the MD5 check sum utility (from fourmilab site)to verify the integrity of mysql package which i down loaded from your site. The utility gets executed in win 98 (when you execute the utility you get a black window representing DOS environment) but the utility does not seem to be working. Whether you type in right commend or wrong command, system simply goes to next line. I am not sure if i require some more components on my machine to run MD5. I down loaded utility many times, but same result. I need to install mysql rather urgently

How to repeat:
down load MD5 utility form fourmilab site. unzip it. Execute it in Win 98 environment. The black DOS window screen appears. now type in any valid or invalid command, system does not give any error message, it simply advances to next line
[14 Dec 2004 1:25] MySQL Verification Team
I tested the tool mentioned in our Manual against the noinstall version package

MD5: 4fcd0e5bf33f4ad7e67c8e2fdbd0b8db

C:\md5>md5 c:\download\mysql-4.0.22-win-noinstall.zip
4FCD0E5BF33F4AD7E67C8E2FDBD0B8DB  c:\download\mysql-4.0.22-win-noinstall.zip