Bug #71805 'Connector' is not indeed a connector, it is dummy and can not work
Submitted: 23 Feb 2014 3:14 Modified: 17 Mar 2014 6:05
Reporter: Etwas Brawaga Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / Python Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.6 OS:Linux (dropbear on Zyxel Keenetic)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: backend, connector, Django, Dropbear, Keenetic, python, Zyxel

[23 Feb 2014 3:14] Etwas Brawaga
>>> Connector/Python runs on any platform where Python is installed.

Not on any. It does not work correctly on Zyxel Keenetic Giga:

>>> import mysql
>>> mysql.__dict__.keys()
['__builtins__', '__file__', '__package__', '__path__', '__name__', '__doc__']

There is no methods to work with base. Module is dummy.

How to repeat:
1. Download installer.
2. Type setup.py install.
3. Run python.
4. Type 'import mysql'.
5. Type 'print mysql.__dict__'.
6. Profit.

Suggested fix:
I do not know how to fix it. I wish to have valid MySQLdb package for python on my Zyxel Keenetic, 'cause I want to run django web server on it coupled with MySQL DBMS.
[26 Feb 2014 13:51] Geert Vanderkelen
>>> import mysql.connector

The mysql package is a namespace used by other MySQL project like Utilities. The Connector/Python module is 'mysql.connector'.
[17 Mar 2014 6:05] Etwas Brawaga
Thanx for your time, it works. I just used your provided django backend instead of django pre-installed one, + some modules renamed and monkey-patching, cause it needed at least 1.2.1 final2 version. Feel free to contact me for details.