Bug #7170 Test failure: 'type_enum' when using '--embedded-server'
Submitted: 10 Dec 2004 13:24 Modified: 2 Jan 2005 15:15
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.8-pre OS:Unix/Linux: various
Assigned to: Alexey Botchkov CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Dec 2004 13:24] Joerg Bruehe
With a fresh pull of 4.1.8 this morning (latest changeset: 
 1.2158 04/12/10 02:36:45 heikki@hundin.mysql.fi +1 -0
  dict0dict.c:     Fix the bug that the character 0xA0 that EMS MySQL Manager
I ran the test suite on my PC (Linux, x86, gcc 3.3).

It passed for the default options and with '--ps-protocol', but had failures
with '--embedded-server' which I now report individually.

For 'type_enum', the report is:
*** r/type_enum.result  2004-12-07 21:10:31.000000000 +0300
--- r/type_enum.reject  2004-12-10 14:37:16.000000000 +0300
*** 1731,1739 ****
  alter table t1 add c enum ('Y','N') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
  select * from t1;
  Catalog       Database        Table   Table_alias     Column  Column_alias    Name    Type    Length  Max length      Is_null Flags   Decimals        Charsetnr
! def   test    t1      t1      a       a       254     3       1       Y       384     0       8
! def   test    t1      t1      b       b       254     9       0       Y       2176    0       8
! def   test    t1      t1      c       c       254     3       0       Y       384     0       8
  a     b       c
  Y     NULL    NULL
  drop table t1;
--- 1731,1739 ----
  alter table t1 add c enum ('Y','N') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
  select * from t1;
  Catalog       Database        Table   Table_alias     Column  Column_alias    Name    Type    Length  Max length      Is_null Flags   Decimals        Charsetnr
! def   test    t1      t1      a       a       254     3       1       Y       384     0       83
! def   test    t1      t1      b       b       254     9       0       Y       2176    0       83
! def   test    t1      t1      c       c       254     3       0       Y       384     0       83
  a     b       c
  Y     NULL    NULL
  drop table t1;

This is identical to the reports I got on _all_ of our build platforms on which
I tried the 'embedded' tests:
'aix43', 'barney', 'buildqnx', 'cane', 'hpux11'(32), 'intelxeon', 'pegasos1',
'powermacg4', 'powermacg5', 'sol9x86', 'sunfire100b', 'sunfire100c'. 

How to repeat:
Run the test suite with '--embedded-server'.
[2 Jan 2005 15:15] Alexey Botchkov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at