Bug #7143 Fails to build on Alpha
Submitted: 9 Dec 2004 20:21 Modified: 21 Feb 2005 7:49
Reporter: Christian Hammers (Silver Quality Contributor) (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.7 OS:Linux (Debian GNU/Linux on Alpha)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Dec 2004 20:21] Christian Hammers

I am unable to build MySQL on the Alpha architecture. It works on i386, mips, s390...
The complete build log is available at:


-christian- (Debian maintainer for MySQL)

Making all in bdb
make[3]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/mysql-dfsg-4.1-4.1.7/bdb'
cd build_unix && /usr/bin/make all
make[4]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/mysql-dfsg-4.1-4.1.7/bdb/build_unix'
/bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -c -I. -I../.././bdb/dist/.. -I../.././bdb/dist/../dbinc  -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -O3 -DDBUG_OFF -DBIG_JOINS=1   ../.././bdb/dist/../mutex/mut_tas.c
gcc -c -I. -I../.././bdb/dist/.. -I../.././bdb/dist/../dbinc -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -O3 -DDBUG_OFF -DBIG_JOINS=1 ../.././bdb/dist/../mutex/mut_tas.c -o mut_tas.o
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: bad expression
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: syntax error
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: unknown opcode `lock'
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: bad expression
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: syntax error
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: bad expression
/tmp/ccjvt8yE.s:41: Error: syntax error
make[4]: *** [mut_tas.o] Error 1

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
[20 Feb 2005 16:24] Aleksey Kishkin
Hi, I tested your configure options  on alfa:
> uname -a
Linux ds20 2.4.4-SMP #2 SMP Fri Aug 24 15:45:13 GMT 2001 alpha unknown

but on SuSE linux:

>cat /etc/SuSE-release
SuSE Linux 7.0 (Alpha)

I hit to bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=8162 but when I remove ndb options, mysql was builded without error.

What do you think, Is it possible this error appears on very Debian linux on alfa? If you have ideas how to reproduce this error pls let us know.
[20 Feb 2005 16:36] Christian Hammers
Currently (4.1.10) MySQL builds fine on all architectures that Debian supports so this bug can be  closed, too.