Bug #71209 Please provide source code of MySQL for Excel
Submitted: 23 Dec 2013 8:28 Modified: 5 Mar 2014 20:09
Reporter: Liang Guo Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL for Windows: MySQL for Excel Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.1 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Dec 2013 8:28] Liang Guo
According README file in Mysql for Excel installation directory,  Mysql for Excel is released under GNU GPL 2.0. so please provide the source code of Mysql for excel. 


How to repeat:
READ the README file.
[28 Jan 2014 21:34] Javier Treviño
We are in the process of publishing the source code in the dev.mysql.com website, due to some technical and administrative issues we haven't been able to publish it yet, but we are hoping to have these solved soon.

Please subscribe to this bug and/or check constantly the MySQL for Excel forum to know when the source code is available.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may be causing to you.
[5 Feb 2014 21:22] Javier Treviño
Posted by developer:
Source code is now published and available here: