Bug #70889 MySql for Visual Studio must provide SSIS mapping files for MySql
Submitted: 12 Nov 2013 17:01 Modified: 23 Mar 2018 6:11
Reporter: Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Visual Studio Integration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Javier Treviño CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Nov 2013 17:01] Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez
This came from this forum entry: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?38,598258,598258#msg-598258

How to repeat:
SSIS allows customized xml files for mapping data types between MSSQL & other databases, currently there are no mappings for MySql.
[16 Jan 2015 19:32] Javier Treviño
Reopening this as the bug was raised on behalf of a user posting the problem in the MySQL for Visual Studio forum.
[3 Jan 2019 20:31] John Elrick
We're attempting to do a data transfer and ran into this issue. I cannot locate a workaround or way to download.

Either fix the problem or remove the functionality; according to the date trail, as it is, it has not worked for five years.