Bug #70850 fetch the data persisted by another thread fails in concurrent scenarios
Submitted: 7 Nov 2013 5:45 Modified: 7 Dec 2013 17:57
Reporter: Sachin Francis Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Nov 2013 5:45] Sachin Francis
i am facing the same problems as discussed here.


When I persist something to the database using one thread and try to fetch it using another thread, Hibernate does not always find the entity. 

And this is happening only in concurrent scenarios, from mysql 5.5.

It works fine with mysql 5.1, postgress, oracle etc

the problem is there even with mysql 5.6.

So i believe the problem is with mysql.

Any Help

How to repeat:
[7 Nov 2013 17:57] Todd Farmer
Hi Sachin,

Thanks for your bug report, but unfortunately, there's far too little information supplied to indicate that this is a bug.

The default transaction isolation for InnoDB is repeatable-read.  See the following page for details:


This can cause concurrent transactions to not see data committed in other transactions.  You can consider changing the transaction isolation to READ COMMITTED, but you should understand the implications:


So why would it be different in 5.1 than 5.5?  Best guess here is that the table creation doesn't specify a storage engine, and the default in 5.1 is the non-transactional, locking MyISAM storange engine, while 5.5 changes the default to InnoDB:


If you can provide a reproducible test case demonstrating behavior not explained by any of the above information, we'll re-evaluate as a defect.
[8 Dec 2013 1:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
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the status of the bug back to "Open".