Bug #70652 Feature: "fast forward" in Model Synchronization dialog
Submitted: 17 Oct 2013 19:18 Modified: 5 Dec 2013 19:46
Reporter: Rasmus Schultz Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.0.7 OS:Windows (Windows 8)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Oct 2013 19:18] Rasmus Schultz
In the model synchronization dialog, I would like to be able to click on the steps listed in the left side of the dialog, to "fast forward" to e.g. "select changes to apply", or "review database changes".

How to repeat:
Like most users (probably) this is the feature I use more than any other, and most of the time, having to wait and click "next" 5-6 times to apply new changes is unnecessary, and I don't look at the information on any of the steps before (typically) "select changes to apply".

Traditionally, wizards also have a "finish" button which is always visible - this may or may not be a good idea for MWB, since the changes can be destructive in some cases.

But it would be handy to at least be able to skip forward to "select changes to apply" with one click, especially when making and deploying very small changes, e.g. just one column or index being adjusted.
[5 Dec 2013 19:46] Alfredo Kojima
duplicate of bug #38631