Bug #70635 feature request: include bug number in attached files view
Submitted: 16 Oct 2013 12:10 Modified: 17 Dec 2013 14:31
Reporter: Hartmut Holzgraefe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Vlad Safronov CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Oct 2013 12:10] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Triggered by previous report #70631 by Valerii:

Search engines often come up with hits in files attached to bugs on bugs.mysql.com, but there is no easy way to see which bug report 
such a hit belongs / refers to. E.g. searching for

  "ndbinfo_offline site:bugs.mysql.com"  

comes up with:


Now I may like to know what the actual bug report was about, but can't ...

Adding a back link that points to the bug report wouldn't be a good idea as the attached content is not necessarily text/plain ... but having the bug Id in addition to the file Id in the URL would already help a lot

How to repeat:
Search for 

  "ndbinfo_offline site:bugs.mysql.com"

with your search engine of choice. Right now this should only return two hits that both refer to attached files.

(although that may change soon as I'm about to file a bug report about "ndbinfo_offline" apparently being completely undocumented soon)

Try to find out which bug report those attached files belong to ...

Suggested fix:
Have the file.php URL contain an extra parameter bug_id that shows the bug number the file is attached to.

This could be implemented by either adding the extra parameter in all places that refer to the file.php script (bug number should be known just fine there), 

or it could be done centrally in one place by having file.php determine the bug # if called without bug_id parameter and have it redirect (HTTP 30x) itself to its URL with the bug_id added ...
[16 Oct 2013 12:13] MySQL Verification Team
this would be useful. in the old days we could directly query the internal bugdb but this is not possible anymore, and never available for public.
[25 Nov 2013 13:40] Vlad Safronov
Hi Hartmut!

The feature has been added (new links). 
Also added "MySQL-Bug-Id" http header for older links.
[26 Nov 2013 9:07] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Nice ... why the extra MySQL-Bug-Id though? (which can be hard to retrieve depending on the client used)

Why not

  if(!isset($_REQUEST["bug_id"])) {
    header("Location: http://...file.php...&bug_id=$bug_id");

instead of 

  header("MySQL-Bug-Id: $bug_id");


Only minimal extra effort but a much better user experience, isn't it?
[26 Nov 2013 15:55] Vlad Safronov
Addicted to "wget -S <url>" for downloading :)
Ok, redirect implemented as more user friendly.