Bug #70609 Find and Replace feature missing in "Open Value in Editor"
Submitted: 12 Oct 2013 2:24 Modified: 14 Oct 2013 15:50
Reporter: Tom Kaminski Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:6.0.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dialog, Find and replace, open value in editor

[12 Oct 2013 2:24] Tom Kaminski
This bug affects all versions of Workbench starting from 5.2.39 all the way to the latest version 6.0.7.  There have been several bug reports regarding find and replace being broken in previous versions of workbench, but I'm not sure if they explain the bug properly, or they refer to a different bug.

When viewing the result set of a query in the SQL Editor, and right clicking on a text value, you can open the value in an editor, by selecting "Open Value in Editor".  From here, in version 5.2.38 and prior, you were able to press CTRL+F to bring up the find and replace dialog.  This dialog is now missing from all recent versions of MySql Workbench.

This has been broken since April 2012 (for 1.5 years) and many versions of Workbench have been released since then.  I really want to upgrade to 6.0.7, but because of this bug, I'm forced to stay with 5.2.38 as this feature is an integral part of my daily workflow.

How to repeat:
1. Run query in Query Editor: SELECT "Hello";
2. In the result set, right click on the cell containing "Hello".
3. Select the first option: "Open Value in Viewer" or "Open Value in Editor"
4. Press CTRL+F

A find and replace dialog should pop up.

Suggested fix:
Enable the find and replace dialog when editing a text value.
[12 Oct 2013 2:27] Tom Kaminski
Screenshot of working version of find and replace

Attachment: workbench-find-replace.png (image/x-png, text), 19.93 KiB.

[12 Oct 2013 2:31] Tom Kaminski
How to repeat (revised):
1. Run query in Query Editor: SELECT "Hello";
2. In the result set, right click on the cell containing "Hello".
3. Select the first option: "Open Value in Viewer" or "Open Value in Editor"
4. Click on the text area to give it keyboard focus
5. Press CTRL+F
[14 Oct 2013 15:50] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.