Bug #7042 MySQL Administrator writes mysqladmin_options.xml on exit
Submitted: 6 Dec 2004 16:29 Modified: 15 Dec 2004 13:05
Reporter: Eric Olson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.16 OS:Windows (Win XP)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Dec 2004 16:29] Eric Olson
On exit from MySQL Administrator, a file called "mysqladmin_options.xml" is written to your desktop (if you have the shortcut on your desktop).

This file contains 

  <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
- <application_options>
- <group name="General">
  <property name="LastFileDialogPaths" value="" /> 
- <group name="GUISetup">
  <property name="SectionSidebarWidth" value="185" /> 
  <property name="SectionSidebarHidden" value="0" /> 
- <group name="AdminUserManagement">
  <property name="ShowUserGlobalPrivileges" value="0" /> 
  <property name="ShowUserTableColumnPrivileges" value="0" /> 
- <group name="AdminHealthGraphs">
  <property name="UsePeakLevel" value="1" /> 
  <property name="ResetPeakLevel" value="1" /> 
  <property name="PeakLevelResetTicks" value="30" /> 
- <group name="AdminBackups">
  <property name="AddDateTimeToBackupFiles" value="1" /> 
  <property name="WriteBackupLog" value="0" /> 
  <property name="BackupLogDir" value="C:\" /> 
  <property name="BackupLogEntryAfterRows" value="0" /> 
- <group name="WindowPos">
  <property name="MainForm" value="x=236; y=115; w=900; h=720; s=0; m=0" /> 

How to repeat:
Open MySQL Administrator
Log-on to a MySQL profile / server
Change a setting / Exit MySQL Administrator

Suggested fix:
If MySQL Administrator can't store these settings in the registry, the program should put the xml file in the installation directory.
[15 Dec 2004 13:05] Mike Lischke
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at