Bug #70377 fields of type TIME(3) don't read milliseconds
Submitted: 18 Sep 2013 13:44 Modified: 9 Jun 2015 18:26
Reporter: Jerzy Jaskiewicz Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.9.6 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Francisco Alberto Tirado Zavala CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: GetTimeSpan, milliseconds, time

[18 Sep 2013 13:44] Jerzy Jaskiewicz
Fields of type "TIME(3)" containing fractional parts of seconds are read though Connector/Net without milliseconds using MySqlDataReadeer.GetTimeSpan(). If type is TIME(6) behavior is correct. Writing to such a field works OK.

How to repeat:
Using Workbench create table containing field of TIME(3) type and assign its value with fractional part of seconds. Try read its value in VS - it will be without milliseconds.
Then change filed type to TIME(6) (alter table change fieldname fieldname TIME(6)). Read result is now correct.
[11 Dec 2013 15:37] Daniel So
Added the following entry into the Connector/Net 6.8.2 changelog:

"Fractional part of a value read by MySqlDataReadeer.GetTimeSpan() from a TIME(3)-typed field was dropped."
[9 Jun 2015 18:13] Jerzy Jaskiewicz
The error is back in 6.9.6.
[9 Jun 2015 18:26] Jerzy Jaskiewicz
My error - not exactly this behavior. It was #70686 returned.