Bug #6984 Crush database server mysql-nt.exe 5.0.2 Win
Submitted: 3 Dec 2004 11:28 Modified: 3 Dec 2004 12:04
Reporter: Valentin Komissarov Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.2 OS:Windows (Windows 2000/XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2004 11:28] Valentin Komissarov
Crush server in query and using.

How to repeat:
Install into pack mysql-5.0.2-alpha-essential-win.msi.
Install - typical
Configure instance - OLTP.

Run MySQL Administrator. If i look Catalog/mysql then error "MySQL error 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query". Server service stoped, server in down.
Run MySQL Query Browser. Server go to shutdown immediate.

In other client software crush server if i hope run query "select * from <anytable>"
or select * from user
[3 Dec 2004 11:31] Valentin Komissarov
Client software:
MySQL Administrator 1.0.14, 1.0.15
Query Browser 1.1.1, 1.1.2
[3 Dec 2004 12:04] MySQL Verification Team
Duplicate for #6944