Bug #6981 MA can't find the MySQL Command Line Client
Submitted: 3 Dec 2004 10:27 Modified: 3 Dec 2004 11:18
Reporter: spaze Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.16 OS:WXP SP2
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2004 10:27] spaze
MySQL Administrator can't find the MySQL Command Line Client (mysql.exe) when it's not installed in the default path (c:/mysql/bin)

How to repeat:
Install MySQL servers and clients i.e. to "C:/program files/mysql/mysql" so the client is "C:/program files/mysql/mysql/bin/mysql.exe" and start the Administrator. The menu entry in tools is greyed-out.

Then copy the mysql.exe into the C:/mysql/bin, restart Administrator and the entry is enabled and the client can't be started this way.

(The same probably apply for Query Browser 1.1.2)
[3 Dec 2004 11:18] Michael G. Zinner
Which server version are you using?

Starting from 4.1 when you use the Winodws Installer there will be two registry entires that will help MA & QB to find the server installation and therefore the MySQL Command Line Client.

If you are using 4.0 or installed the server via the noinstall.zip we can only check default places for the MySQL Command Line Client, since we want to avoid a complete harddisk scan.

You can also add these registry entries manually. Create the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 4.1 and add a string "Location" pointing to the server's root directory.
[3 Dec 2004 11:51] spaze
Sorry for forgetting to mention the sql server version. Its 4.0.22 installed via the installer (mysql-4.0.22-win.zip). I've checked the registry and there's only empty HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Servers and Clients 4.0.22\MySQL Servers and Clients 4.0.22, but I was thinking about scanning the _basedir_\bin directory, when there's no registry entry.
[3 Dec 2004 11:56] spaze
(sorry, pushed the button a little earlier)
..I was thinking about scanning the _basedir_\bin directory, when there's no registry entry (this could be done in MA, not sure about QB). Or maybe add the creation of registry entries to next 4.0.x installer also?