Bug #69753 Identify the application session in the session database
Submitted: 16 Jul 2013 1:20 Modified: 29 Mar 2015 4:48
Reporter: Mathias Brem Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Performance Schema Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7 OS:Any (Connection details)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: client info, DBMS_SESSION.MODULE, identied connection, identified sessino, module

[16 Jul 2013 1:20] Mathias Brem
My suggestion feature implementation is for the connections to the database, providing a variable for the session as well as exists in Oracle, SQL Server, which identifies data connection such as "SO", "program", "free field . "
For example, on a website, it may be necessary to identify the site user in a session database, it is possible in oracle through "DBMS_SESSION.CLIENT_INFO" and "DBMS_SESSION.MODULE" in SQL Server as well, and it would be interesting to have a field in MySQL to log information through a procedure or funcion.

How to repeat:
Not repeat it is not a bug

Suggested fix:
Create a variable for the user session that is visible in the tables "processlist" and "thread"
[16 Jul 2013 5:30] Davi Arnaut
[17 Jul 2013 14:23] MySQL Verification Team
See above link and also 
[18 Jul 2013 14:30] Mathias Brem Garcia
Thanks ;)
[29 Mar 2015 4:48] MySQL Verification Team
closing as solution was given.