Bug #69331 I can not search the MySQL manual/documentation - Oracle search SSO is broken
Submitted: 27 May 2013 21:22 Modified: 21 Feb 2014 19:47
Reporter: Justin Swanhart Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:n/a OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Broken, documentation, Oracle, search, SSO, website

[27 May 2013 21:22] Justin Swanhart
When I try to search the MySQL manual I am directed to an Oracle SSO login.  I enter my username and password.  

I am then directed to ANOTHER login screen.  

I enter my username and password and am presented with the following message:
An error occurred during authentication. Contact your administrator.

How to repeat:
Try to search the manual.  If you are me, then you will be asked to sign in (wtf?).  Then, again, if you are me, you will be asked to login again.  You will be presented with an error message to contact your administrator at that point.  I don't know who my administrator is, so I'm contacting you.

Since the reproduction instructions require that you be me (and you aren't me) I've attached a screenshot.

Suggested fix:
Let me log in and search the manual, or better yet, don't require me to log in to search the manual.
[27 May 2013 21:22] Justin Swanhart
Please contact your administrator screenshot

Attachment: authentication error.png (image/png, text), 56.11 KiB.

[28 May 2013 12:49] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat please try again. Thanks.
[28 May 2013 17:51] Justin Swanhart
It happens to my account 100% of the time.  Of course you can't repeat.

It has been happening for months.

I'm not the only one with the issue.  LOOK AT YOUR LOGS!
[28 May 2013 18:49] Justin Swanhart
It is interesting to note that SSO for bugs.mysql.com was broken for me too.  It seems the resolution was to create a new account of some type for me in the bugs system.  Perhaps something similar needs to be done in the search system.  My account is quite old, dating from back in the Oracle 7.3 days.

Here are my old bugs pre-new SSO system:

And my bugs after:

My reporter number is significantly different in the new system.
[29 May 2013 7:28] Vlad Safronov
Hi Justin,

Please see "GETTING HELP ON LOGIN ISSUES" section and submit a help request at

bugs.mysql.com does not manage Oracle accounts nor has access to the logs. So I can't help here.

>don't require me to log in to search the manual.
This can not be changed at the moment.
Try using Google then, e.g.: "5.6 mysql select syntax site:dev.mysql.com". It works good.
[29 May 2013 20:19] Justin Swanhart
ok, I can call them, but you work in the same company and can honestly call them just as easily and work them to resolve the integration between mysql and oracle because it is broken for more than just me and not just for search.  I had a facebook friend report that he isn't able to log into the bugs system.  Now I can of course ask him to call TOO, but it would be better, IMHO, if the people actually work in the company coordinate and communicate.
[7 Jun 2013 14:18] Vlad Safronov
Hi Justin,

Have you submitted the request? Have you received any feedback already?
[10 Jul 2013 19:10] Justin Swanhart
you can close it.  I just decided to use Google instead.  I don't have time to call support to search the manual.
[16 Aug 2013 20:02] Justin Swanhart
I tried calling 1-800-633-0738

none of the options were related to Oracle Search.  When I pressed 'zero' I was that they were sorry that they could not help me and I was disconnected.  There was no way to reach a person about search.

Please contact somebody at Oracle search for me.  PLEASE.  It is /really/ annoying not to be able to use the online search tool.  I know I'm in the minority in actually wanting to use one of your godforsaken tools but PLEASE HELP ME USE IT.
[16 Aug 2013 20:08] Justin Swanhart
I found the itty bitty link that opened a popup (my blocker was blocking it before) and submitted a help request.  I'll let you know if I hear back.
[23 Aug 2013 17:02] Justin Swanhart
My support request was closed as "not a bug".

[18 Oct 2013 20:46] Justin Swanhart
Ok - I boiled the problem down to my OTN account.  If I go to otn.oracle.com and SIGN OUT, then I can search the manual.  Strangely, this doesn't sign me out of the bug tracker.  If I sign into OTN and I try to search dev.mysql.com, then I get an SSO page that won't let me log in.
[21 Feb 2014 19:47] Sveta Smirnova

thank you for the feedback.

I am sorry, but I have to close this report as "Not a bug" too, because this is certainly not MySQL bug.