Bug #69101 Add counter for number of row events skipped due to IDEMPOTENT slave_exec_mode
Submitted: 30 Apr 2013 10:14
Reporter: Mark Leith Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Row Based Replication ( RBR ) Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.6.11 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Apr 2013 10:14] Mark Leith
Currently, the only way to monitor whether row events are skipped using slave_exec_mode=IDEMPOTENT is to enable log-warnings > 1, and then try to parse out those errors from the error log. 

It would be easier to monitor whether data is getting "lost", with a simple status counter that incremented for each row skipped as well, such as "Slave_idempotent_rows_skipped".

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Add a status variable that counts each row skipped in IDEMPOTENT slave_exec_mode
[30 Apr 2013 10:20] Simon Mudd
The current documentation says:

IDEMPOTENT mode causes suppression of duplicate-key and no-key-found errors. 

So there are 2 different conditions here. please make counters for each one.