Bug #68615 odbc drivers on mac osx from dmg fails,wrong postflight script included
Submitted: 8 Mar 2013 12:12 Modified: 11 Apr 2013 15:56
Reporter: Toon Van Rossum Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.4 OS:MacOS (mistake in dmg installer)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dmg, in.cmake

[8 Mar 2013 12:12] Toon Van Rossum
installing the odbc driver on mac using the .dmg file downloaded from the website will not work for the following reason:

the content of the .pkg file contains a postflight script named 'postflight.in.cmake' , this file is not loaded during the installation.

renaming the file to 'postflight' will load the script however it will fail on the 'create sample dsn' step. The reason is that the 'register the driver' step still mentions version 5.1 and the 'create sample dsn' uses version 5.2.

How to repeat:
try installing the dmg like downloaded from the website and check your odbc administrator. no drivers will be shown.

open the content of the package in the dmg, rename the "postflight.in.smake" to "postflight",

run the package again, it will load the file but the install will fail.

Now edit the postflight script : 
on line 99 : change "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver" to "MySQL ODBC 5.2 Driver"

now everything is installed correctly.

Suggested fix:
update the dmg on the website with the adjusted script!
[8 Mar 2013 12:51] Erlend Dahl
Thank you for the bug report. We will look into this.
[11 Apr 2013 15:56] Yngve Svendsen
Thank you for the bug report. We have fixed this in what will eventually become C/ODBC 5.2.5, and we have published a respun 5.2.4 build on dev.mysql.com that contains the fix.