Bug #68614 Issue with python 2.6
Submitted: 8 Mar 2013 11:17 Modified: 6 Aug 2013 6:02
Reporter: Remi Collet Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Utilities Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.2.1 OS:Linux (Enterprise Linux 6)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Mar 2013 11:17] Remi Collet
Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL, Oracle, Centos and other clones) provides python 2.6.6.

According to README: Requirements = Python 2.6 or later 

From sources
scripts/mysqlauditadmin.py:check_python_version(min_version=(2, 7, 0), max_version=(3, 0, 0))
scripts/mysqlauditgrep.py:check_python_version(min_version=(2, 7, 0), max_version=(3, 0, 0))

So this 2 commands requires python 2.7

Running the test suite also requires python 2.7.

How to repeat:
try to use mysql-utilities with Oracle Enterprise Linux 6

Suggested fix:
- clarify requirements in README.txt
- don't install incompatible command when python 2.6 is used
- if possible, fix the test suite to work with python 2.7 (skip test from incompatible command)
[6 Jun 2013 7:08] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Remi,

Thank you for the report.
Verified as described.

[6 Jun 2013 7:15] MySQL Verification Team
Note: 1.3.1

This version indeed check Python version at the time of setup

cat more setup.py

# Check required Python version
if sys.version_info[0:2] not in [(2, 6), (2, 7)]:
    log.error("MySQL Utilities requires Python v2.6 or v2.7")