Bug #68548 create separate service(daemon in linux/unix) for remote binarylog sync process
Submitted: 2 Mar 2013 10:26 Modified: 2 Mar 2013 10:30
Reporter: rajnish kumar Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.6 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: create separate service(daemon in linux/unix) for remote binarylog sync process

[2 Mar 2013 10:26] rajnish kumar
Hi Team,
Remote binary log sync/copy is very good features introduced in mysql 5.6,but I think it has  limited capabilities  or less features .

1. when we start mysqlbinlog  for remote binary log copy,but it was lock our terminal , I knew We can run it in background but it look so unprofessional .

remote binary log copy should be start through a service or daemon name ,so that we can stop ,start or restart it when we want .

2.Remote binary log copy should have it own log file for trace any error .

How to repeat:

1. their is no way to stop ,restart ,resume remote binary log copy process.

2. There is no way to trace error in mysqlbinlog ,how we trace error .

Suggested fix:
Hi Team,

1. we can create a daemon{.sh file in unix/linux like mysql.server or mysqld/mysql} for start ,stop,resume, restart remote binary log copy.

2. when ever mysqlbinlog start it will write start time ,end time when it stop and if it face any error all these activity should be writtne in a file for trace ,monitoring purpose like mysqld error file .
[2 Mar 2013 10:30] rajnish kumar
OS should be ALL