Bug #68146 | Migration from MS Sql server to MySQL with more than 134 Columns | ||
Submitted: | 22 Jan 2013 18:26 | Modified: | 14 Jun 2013 2:32 |
Reporter: | John Zurwell | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Workbench: Migration | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | 5.2.45 ce rev 10251 | OS: | Windows (win8 wks) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | error, migration, sql server |
[22 Jan 2013 18:26]
John Zurwell
[22 Jan 2013 19:32]
Hartmut Holzgraefe
Could you provide the failing and working CREATE statements? This actually sounds like you're exceeding the maximum row length ...
[22 Jan 2013 20:14]
John Zurwell
The tool breaks at 135 and functions at 134. The MySQL column limit has never been reached.
[22 Jan 2013 20:16]
John Zurwell
REM Workbench Table Data copy script REM REM Execute this to copy table data from a source RDBMS to MySQL. REM Edit the options below to customize it. You will need to provide passwords, at least. REM REM Source DB: Mssql@DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=localhost (Microsoft SQL Server) REM Target DB: Mysql@ REM Source and target DB passwords set arg_source_password= set arg_target_password= REM Uncomment the following options according to your needs REM Whether target tables should be truncated before copy REM set arg_truncate_target=--truncate-target REM Enable debugging output REM set arg_debug_output=--log-level=debug3 REM Creation of file with table definitions for copytable set table_file=wb_tables_to_migrate.txt TYPE NUL > wb_tables_to_migrate.txt ECHO [CBImysqltest] [dbo].[IV70500] `CBImysqltest` `IV70500` [PRTBYSIT], [PRNTOPTN], [STTGNDSC], [ENGENDSC], [ENUSRCAT_1], [ENUSRCAT_2], [ENUSRCAT_3], [ENUSRCAT_4], [ENUSRCAT_5], [ENUSRCAT_6], [KITSRTBY], [STRTUCAT_1], [STRTUCAT_2], [STRTUCAT_3], [STRTUCAT_4], [STRTUCAT_5], [STRTUCAT_6], [STTITNUM], [ENITMNBR], [PRVDRINF], [PRTDSCNT], [FINRPTNM], [PRNTNOTS], [PRNTTYPE], [ASKECHTM], [INCLGNDS], [PRNTOFIL], [PRTOPRTR], [PRTOSCRN], [IFFILXST], [FILEXPNM], [EXPTTYPE], [RPTGRIND], [STTCLASS], [ENDCLASS], [STTSCHED], [ENSCHDUL], [STTLOCCD], [ENLOCNCD], [STTLOTTY], [ENLOTTYP], [STRTNGDT], [ENDINGDT], [ENDTKNDT], [STTOKNDT], [STRCTNUM], [ENRCTNBR], [RTPACHIN], [RTGRSBIN], [SORTBY], [PRTSRLOT], [INZROQTY], [PRTITQTY], [STTBINUM], [ENBINNBR], [STDOCNUM], [ENDOCNUM], [STDOCTYP], [ENDOCTYP], [STTMODUL], [ENDMODUL], [STRXSRC], [ENTRXSRC], [STBCHSRC], [ENBCHSRC], [STBCHNUM], [ENDBNMBR], [STVNDRID], [ENDVNDID], [INQTYREQ], [INZRORLV], [CALSGQTY], [RCPTOPTS], [VENDROPT], [SEGSRTBY], [STTACNUM_1], [STTACNUM_2], [STTACNUM_3], [STTACNUM_4], [STTACNUM_5], [EACCNBR_1], [EACCNBR_2], [EACCNBR_3], [EACCNBR_4], [EACCNBR_5], [SEGMNTRG], [Start_PriceLevel], [End_PriceLevel], [Start_QTY_Type], [End_QTY_Type], [Start_Component_Item_Num], [End_Component_Item_Numbe], [BM_Assembly_Journal], [BM_Distribution_Detail], [BM_Bill_Status_Active], [BM_Bill_Status_Pending], [BM_Bill_Status_Obsolete], [BM_Comp_Status_Active], [BM_Comp_Status_Pending], [BM_Comp_Status_Obsolete], [BM_Comp_Type_Misc_Charge], [BM_Comp_Type_Services], [BM_Comp_Type_Flat_Fee], [BM_Print_Notes_Bill], [BM_Print_Notes_Comp], [BM_Print_Cost_Options], [Max_Levels], [DATE1], [BMTRXSTATNOTREL], [BMTRXSTATREL], [OPTIONS], [Start_TRX_ID], [End_TRX_ID], [Starting_TRX_Date], [Ending_TRX_Date], [STRTSRLT], [ENDSERLT], [StartPriceGroup], [EndPriceGroup], [STCURRID], [ENDCURID], [STRTABCCD], [ENDABCCD], [STRTSTCKCNTID], [ENDSTCKCNTID], [Start_Landed_Cost_ID], [End_Landed_Cost_ID], [Start_LandedCostGroupID], [End_LandedCostGroupID], [ASOFDATE], [INZRQTYI], [STARTBIN], [ENDBIN], [LNGSTRTDESC], [LNGENDDESC], [USEGLPOSTINGDATE], [INNGVQTY], [COSTAVGPERIODIC], [DEX_ROW_ID] >> wb_tables_to_migrate.txt ECHO [CBImysqltest] [dbo].[RM30202] `CBImysqltest` `RM30202` [CUSTNMBR], [APTODCNM], [APTODCTY], [APPTOAMT], [APFRDCNM], [APFRDCTY], [APFRDCDT], [TRXSORCE], [DISTKNAM], [WROFAMNT], [DATE1], [GLPOSTDT], [POSTED], [GSTDSAMT], [PPSAMDED], [TAXDTLID], [ORAPTOAM], [ORDISTKN], [ORDATKN], [ORWROFAM], [RLGANLOS], [DEX_ROW_ID] >> wb_tables_to_migrate.txt ECHO [CBImysqltest] [dbo].[RM00101] `CBImysqltest` `RM00101` [CUSTNMBR], [CUSTNAME], [CUSTCLAS], [CPRCSTNM], [CNTCPRSN], [STMTNAME], [SHRTNAME], [ADRSCODE], [UPSZONE], [SHIPMTHD], [TAXSCHID], [ADDRESS1], [ADDRESS2], [ADDRESS3], [COUNTRY], [CITY], [STATE], [ZIP], [PHONE1], [PHONE2], [PHONE3], [FAX], [PRBTADCD], [PRSTADCD], [STADDRCD], [SLPRSNID], [CHEKBKID], [PYMTRMID], [CRLMTTYP], [CRLMTAMT], [CRLMTPER], [CRLMTPAM], [CURNCYID], [RATETPID], [CUSTDISC], [PRCLEVEL], [MINPYTYP], [MINPYDLR], [MINPYPCT], [FNCHATYP], [FNCHPCNT], [FINCHDLR], [MXWOFTYP], [MXWROFAM], [COMMENT1], [COMMENT2], [USERDEF1], [USERDEF2], [TAXEXMT1], [TAXEXMT2], [TXRGNNUM], [BALNCTYP], [STMTCYCL], [BANKNAME], [BNKBRNCH], [SALSTERR], [DEFCACTY], [RMCSHACC], [RMARACC], [RMSLSACC], [RMIVACC], [RMCOSACC], [RMTAKACC], [RMAVACC], [RMFCGACC], [RMWRACC], [RMSORACC], [FRSTINDT], [INACTIVE], [HOLD], [CRCARDID], [CRCRDNUM], [CCRDXPDT], [KPDSTHST], [KPCALHST], [KPERHIST], [KPTRXHST], [NOTEINDX], [CREATDDT], [MODIFDT], [Revalue_Customer], [Post_Results_To], [FINCHID], [GOVCRPID], [GOVINDID], [DISGRPER], [DUEGRPER], [DOCFMTID], [Send_Email_Statements], [USERLANG], [GPSFOINTEGRATIONID], [INTEGRATIONSOURCE], [INTEGRATIONID], [ORDERFULFILLDEFAULT], [CUSTPRIORITY], [CCode], [DECLID], [RMOvrpymtWrtoffAcctIdx], [SHIPCOMPLETE], [CBVAT], [INCLUDEINDP], [DEX_ROW_TS], [DEX_ROW_ID] >> wb_tables_to_migrate.txt ECHO [CBImysqltest] [dbo].[RM00700] `CBImysqltest` `RM00700` [AGNGDTKN], [RANGEBY], [PRTDBRCD], [PRPSTJCB], [PRSBDRCB], [ENDDOCDT], [FILEXPNM], [FINRPTNM], [ASKECHTM], [INCLGNDS], [IFFILXST], [EXPTTYPE], [PRNTNOTS], [CSTSRTBY], [PRNTOFIL], [PRTOPRTR], [PRTOSCRN], [PRNTTYPE], [RPTGRIND], [RTGRSBIN], [RTPACHIN], [SORTBY], [ENFULNAM], [ENDADDCT], [ENDCLSID], [ENCUSTID], [ENCSTNAM], [ENDPHON1], [ENSLSTER], [ENSPSNID], [ENDSHNAM], [ENDSTATE], [ENUSRDF1], [ENDZIPCD], [ENDINGDT], [ENCLDSCR], [ENLSTNAM], [ENDVENDR], [ENDEMPLY], [ENDCITY], [ENDOCNUM], [ENDOCTYP], [ENDPEROD], [ENDPSTDT], [ENDBNMBR], [ENBCHSRC], [ENTRXSRC], [ENRMTKDT], [ENSLSAMT], [ENPRMRGN], [STRTFLNM], [STRMTKDT], [STADDCTT], [STTCLSID], [STCUSTID], [STCUSTNM], [STRTDATE], [STRTNGDT], [STTPHON1], [STSLSTER], [STSPRSID], [STTSHNAM], [STTSTATE], [STTUDEF1], [STRTZPCD], [STCLSDSC], [STTLSTNM], [STRTVNDR], [STRTEMPL], [STRTCITY], [STMTCYCL], [ENSTCYCL], [STDOCNUM], [STTDOCTP], [STTDOCDT], [STPERIOD], [STTPSTDT], [STBCHNUM], [STBCHSRC], [STRXSRC], [STPRMRGN], [STSLSAMT], [INACTIVE], [BALNCTYP], [ACTIVE], [HISTTYPE], [TRANTOPR], [PRNTDTLD], [CUTOFDAT], [CRBLNCCB], [FLLYPDCB], [NOACTVCB], [ZROBALCB], [PASTDUCB], [WHICHRPT], [PERTYPGB], [YEAR1], [STTACNUM_1], [STTACNUM_2], [STTACNUM_3], [STTACNUM_4], [STTACNUM_5], [EACCNBR_1], [EACCNBR_2], [EACCNBR_3], [EACCNBR_4], [EACCNBR_5], [SEGMNTRG], [ENITMNBR], [ENDSERLT], [STTITNUM], [STRTSRLT], [TRXTYPE], [INCLTXDT], [INCLPYMT], [STQUOEXD], [EDQUOEXD], [STREQDAT], [ENDREQDT], [STTLOCCD], [ENLOCNCD], [STMSTNMB], [EDMASNMB], [STPRHDID], [ENPRHDID], [STTDOCID], [ENDDOCID], [STSOPTYP], [EDSOPTYP], [DISCOMP], [DISPRCHD], [DISSRLOT], [DISUSRDF], [EXCCOMP], [EXCFULFIL], [INCMCINF], [RPTXRATE], [RPRTCLMD], [PRTCURIN], [CONNAACT], [DateSensitivitySumSelect], [SummaryYear], [DEX_ROW_ID] >> wb_tables_to_migrate.txt wbcopytables.exe '--odbc-source=DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE={cbimysqltest};UID=sa' --target=root@ --source-password="%arg_source_password%" --target-password="%arg_target_password%" --table-file="%table_file%" %arg_truncate_target% %arg_debug_output% REM Removes the file with the tabla definitions DEL wb_tables_to_migrate.txt
[22 Jan 2013 20:18]
John Zurwell
wb_tables_to_migrate.txt [CBImysqltest] [dbo].[IV70500] `CBImysqltest` `IV70500` [PRTBYSIT], [PRNTOPTN], [STTGNDSC], [ENGENDSC], [ENUSRCAT_1], [ENUSRCAT_2], [ENUSRCAT_3], [ENUSRCAT_4], [ENUSRCAT_5], [ENUSRCAT_6], [KITSRTBY], [STRTUCAT_1], [STRTUCAT_2], [STRTUCAT_3], [STRTUCAT_4], [STRTUCAT_5], [STRTUCAT_6], [STTITNUM], [ENITMNBR], [PRVDRINF], [PRTDSCNT], [FINRPTNM], [PRNTNOTS], [PRNTTYPE], [ASKECHTM], [INCLGNDS], [PRNTOFIL], [PRTOPRTR], [PRTOSCRN], [IFFILXST], [FILEXPNM], [EXPTTYPE], [RPTGRIND], [STTCLASS], [ENDCLASS], [STTSCHED], [ENSCHDUL], [STTLOCCD], [ENLOCNCD], [STTLOTTY], [ENLOTTYP], [STRTNGDT], [ENDINGDT], [ENDTKNDT], [STTOKNDT], [STRCTNUM], [ENRCTNBR], [RTPACHIN], [RTGRSBIN], [SORTBY], [PRTSRLOT], [INZROQTY], [PRTITQTY], [STTBINUM], [ENBINNBR], [STDOCNUM], [ENDOCNUM], [STDOCTYP], [ENDOCTYP], [STTMODUL], [ENDMODUL], [STRXSRC], [ENTRXSRC], [STBCHSRC], [ENBCHSRC], [STBCHNUM], [ENDBNMBR], [STVNDRID], [ENDVNDID], [INQTYREQ], [INZRORLV], [CALSGQTY], [RCPTOPTS], [VENDROPT], [SEGSRTBY], [STTACNUM_1], [STTACNUM_2], [STTACNUM_3], [STTACNUM_4], [STTACNUM_5], [EACCNBR_1], [EACCNBR_2], [EACCNBR_3], [EACCNBR_4], [EACCNBR_5], [SEGMNTRG], [Start_PriceLevel], [End_PriceLevel], [Start_QTY_Type], [End_QTY_Type], [Start_Component_Item_Num], [End_Component_Item_Numbe], [BM_Assembly_Journal], [BM_Distribution_Detail], [BM_Bill_Status_Active], [BM_Bill_Status_Pending], [BM_Bill_Status_Obsolete], [BM_Comp_Status_Active], [BM_Comp_Status_Pending], [BM_Comp_Status_Obsolete], [BM_Comp_Type_Misc_Charge], [BM_Comp_Type_Services], [BM_Comp_Type_Flat_Fee], [BM_Print_Notes_Bill], [BM_Print_Notes_Comp], [BM_Print_Cost_Options], [Max_Levels], [DATE1], [BMTRXSTATNOTREL], [BMTRXSTATREL], [OPTIONS], [Start_TRX_ID], [End_TRX_ID], [Starting_TRX_Date], [Ending_TRX_Date], [STRTSRLT], [ENDSERLT], [StartPriceGroup], [EndPriceGroup], [STCURRID], [ENDCURID], [STRTABCCD], [ENDABCCD], [STRTSTCKCNTID], [ENDSTCKCNTID], [Start_Landed_Cost_ID], [End_Landed_Cost_ID], [Start_LandedCostGroupID], [End_LandedCostGroupID], [ASOFDATE], [INZRQTYI], [STARTBIN], [ENDBIN], [LNGSTRTDESC], [LNGENDDESC], [USEGLPOSTINGDATE], [INNGVQTY], [COSTAVGPERIODIC], [DEX_ROW_ID]
[25 Jan 2013 3:58]
MySQL Verification Team
Could you please the create table sql statement for SQL Server. Thanks.
[25 Jan 2013 17:30]
John Zurwell
Here is the create statement. Further investigation indicates a column limit in the wb_tables_to_migrate.txt file. The import tool wbcopytables.exe appears to have limits in the number of columns it can process in the file. The 134 column limit in this example is approximately equal to 2048 columns that are allowed in the .txt file. It is not a data column limit in the tool, it is a column limit in the .txt file that the tool processes. USE [CBImysqltest] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[IV70500] Script Date: 1/25/2013 9:19:59 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IV70500]( [PRTBYSIT] [smallint] NOT NULL, [PRNTOPTN] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STTGNDSC] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENGENDSC] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_1] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_2] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_3] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_4] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_5] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENUSRCAT_6] [char](11) NOT NULL, [KITSRTBY] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_1] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_2] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_3] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_4] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_5] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTUCAT_6] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STTITNUM] [char](31) NOT NULL, [ENITMNBR] [char](31) NOT NULL, [PRVDRINF] [smallint] NOT NULL, [PRTDSCNT] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [FINRPTNM] [char](31) NOT NULL, [PRNTNOTS] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PRNTTYPE] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ASKECHTM] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [INCLGNDS] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PRNTOFIL] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PRTOPRTR] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PRTOSCRN] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [IFFILXST] [smallint] NOT NULL, [FILEXPNM] [char](255) NOT NULL, [EXPTTYPE] [smallint] NOT NULL, [RPTGRIND] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STTCLASS] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENDCLASS] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STTSCHED] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENSCHDUL] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STTLOCCD] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENLOCNCD] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STTLOTTY] [char](11) NOT NULL, [ENLOTTYP] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STRTNGDT] [datetime] NOT NULL, [ENDINGDT] [datetime] NOT NULL, [ENDTKNDT] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STTOKNDT] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STRCTNUM] [char](21) NOT NULL, [ENRCTNBR] [char](21) NOT NULL, [RTPACHIN] [smallint] NOT NULL, [RTGRSBIN] [numeric](19, 5) NOT NULL, [SORTBY] [smallint] NOT NULL, [PRTSRLOT] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [INZROQTY] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PRTITQTY] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [STTBINUM] [char](21) NOT NULL, [ENBINNBR] [char](21) NOT NULL, [STDOCNUM] [char](21) NOT NULL, [ENDOCNUM] [char](21) NOT NULL, [STDOCTYP] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ENDOCTYP] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STTMODUL] [char](3) NOT NULL, [ENDMODUL] [char](3) NOT NULL, [STRXSRC] [char](13) NOT NULL, [ENTRXSRC] [char](13) NOT NULL, [STBCHSRC] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENBCHSRC] [char](15) NOT NULL, [STBCHNUM] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENDBNMBR] [char](15) NOT NULL, [STVNDRID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENDVNDID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [INQTYREQ] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [INZRORLV] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [CALSGQTY] [smallint] NOT NULL, [RCPTOPTS] [smallint] NOT NULL, [VENDROPT] [smallint] NOT NULL, [SEGSRTBY] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STTACNUM_1] [char](7) NOT NULL, [STTACNUM_2] [char](7) NOT NULL, [STTACNUM_3] [char](7) NOT NULL, [STTACNUM_4] [char](7) NOT NULL, [STTACNUM_5] [char](7) NOT NULL, [EACCNBR_1] [char](7) NOT NULL, [EACCNBR_2] [char](7) NOT NULL, [EACCNBR_3] [char](7) NOT NULL, [EACCNBR_4] [char](7) NOT NULL, [EACCNBR_5] [char](7) NOT NULL, [SEGMNTRG] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Start_PriceLevel] [char](11) NOT NULL, [End_PriceLevel] [char](11) NOT NULL, [Start_QTY_Type] [smallint] NOT NULL, [End_QTY_Type] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Start_Component_Item_Num] [char](31) NOT NULL, [End_Component_Item_Numbe] [char](31) NOT NULL, [BM_Assembly_Journal] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Distribution_Detail] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Bill_Status_Active] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Bill_Status_Pending] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Bill_Status_Obsolete] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Status_Active] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Status_Pending] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Status_Obsolete] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Type_Misc_Charge] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Type_Services] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Comp_Type_Flat_Fee] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Print_Notes_Bill] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Print_Notes_Comp] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BM_Print_Cost_Options] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Max_Levels] [smallint] NOT NULL, [DATE1] [datetime] NOT NULL, [BMTRXSTATNOTREL] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [BMTRXSTATREL] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [OPTIONS] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Start_TRX_ID] [char](19) NOT NULL, [End_TRX_ID] [char](19) NOT NULL, [Starting_TRX_Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [Ending_TRX_Date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [STRTSRLT] [char](21) NOT NULL, [ENDSERLT] [char](21) NOT NULL, [StartPriceGroup] [char](11) NOT NULL, [EndPriceGroup] [char](11) NOT NULL, [STCURRID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENDCURID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [STRTABCCD] [smallint] NOT NULL, [ENDABCCD] [smallint] NOT NULL, [STRTSTCKCNTID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENDSTCKCNTID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [Start_Landed_Cost_ID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [End_Landed_Cost_ID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [Start_LandedCostGroupID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [End_LandedCostGroupID] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ASOFDATE] [datetime] NOT NULL, [INZRQTYI] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [STARTBIN] [char](15) NOT NULL, [ENDBIN] [char](15) NOT NULL, [LNGSTRTDESC] [char](101) NOT NULL, [LNGENDDESC] [char](101) NOT NULL, [USEGLPOSTINGDATE] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [INNGVQTY] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [COSTAVGPERIODIC] [smallint] NOT NULL, [DEX_ROW_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PKIV70500] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [RPTGRIND] ASC, [RTPACHIN] ASC, [RTGRSBIN] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, FILLFACTOR = 90) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[ASOFDATE]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[ASOFDATE]) = 0 and datepart(second,[ASOFDATE]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[ASOFDATE]) = 0)) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[DATE1]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[DATE1]) = 0 and datepart(second,[DATE1]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[DATE1]) = 0)) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[Ending_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[Ending_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(second,[Ending_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[Ending_TRX_Date]) = 0)) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[ENDINGDT]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[ENDINGDT]) = 0 and datepart(second,[ENDINGDT]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[ENDINGDT]) = 0)) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[Starting_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[Starting_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(second,[Starting_TRX_Date]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[Starting_TRX_Date]) = 0)) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[IV70500] WITH CHECK ADD CHECK ((datepart(hour,[STRTNGDT]) = 0 and datepart(minute,[STRTNGDT]) = 0 and datepart(second,[STRTNGDT]) = 0 and datepart(millisecond,[STRTNGDT]) = 0)) GO
[25 Jan 2013 22:15]
Hartmut Holzgraefe
Really seems to be a but within wbcopytables.exe then, attached mysqlified CREATE statement creates a 139 column table just fine
[25 Jan 2013 22:15]
Hartmut Holzgraefe
sqlified create statement
Attachment: iv70500.sql (text/x-sql), 4.33 KiB.
[25 Jan 2013 22:16]
Hartmut Holzgraefe
btw ... is wbcopytables.exe documented anywhere at all?
[25 Jan 2013 22:52]
John Zurwell
MS SQL as well as MySQL create works no problem. The .EXE that copies the data likely uses a routine from a spreadsheet that has limits on the number of character columns in the .txt file. Once this is trimmed, it looks like the data columns are not the issue but the number of characters in a line. The TAB stops in the .txt file are vital to the process since I tried to remove them to increase the data per line. This may not be an issue in OS X or Linux if there is a migration load for these that works.
[29 Jan 2013 22:35]
John Zurwell
My Sql workbench fails when trying to migrate views. It also fails when trying to migrate routine objects. The number of views are 18332 and the number of routine objects are 18027. This fails individually or when done together. The Windows 8 box has 17 gig of ram. I expect the tool is running out of ram and should be a 64 bit tool and not a 32 bit tool.
[22 Mar 2013 23:23]
Sergio Andres De La Cruz Rodriguez
This issue only affects MySQL Workbench for Windows, when calling wbcopytables.exe using the script generated in the Data Transfer Setup page of the Migration Wizard. The decision was made to store the names of the tables and their columns that are to be copied in a temporary file, due to the limits to the line length for Windows batch files (8191 characters as explained here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/830473 ). So each table is listed in an independent line and stored in a temporary file whose name is passed to wbcopytables.exe. The buffer that reads these lines in wbcopytables.exe is arbitrarily defined to have 2048 bytes. The solution would be to extend the length of this buffer up to the 8191 characters allowed for a line in a batch file. There is still a limit, only that it would be four times larger than the current one. If this new limit proves to be a problem, provision would have to be made to allow table/column specs to split across several lines. This will require in turn more complex changes to the wbcopytables.exe source code.
[14 Jun 2013 2:32]
Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 6.0.2 public beta release, and here's the changelog entry: On Microsoft Windows, migrating an SQL Server database that contained a lot of columns (100+) would sometimes fail to migrate. The problem involved how "wbcopytables.exe" uses temporary files to store table names and column information. Thank you for the bug report.