Bug #68004 Drag 'n Drop feature in start workspace lists to sort faster and easier
Submitted: 31 Dec 2012 20:04 Modified: 3 Jan 2013 5:49
Reporter: Marcelo Zucareli Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.2.45 OS:Any (10.8.2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Dec 2012 20:04] Marcelo Zucareli
A drag and drop function to sort the connections, data modeling and server administrator would be pretty good, to order 25 or more connections is a hard working, because i need to enter each one and click one time for each position. E.g. My list have 25 connections, if i need to put the last connection to the first place, i need to click to the Move Up button 25 times and it's not too smart. With a Drag And Drop feature it would be a lot easier and faster. 

How to repeat:
Enter in manage connections with a 25 or more connections and try to put the last one on the first place. You will need to click 25 times to do it. My suggestion is to implement a drag and drop functionality to make it easier. 

Suggested fix:
Implement a drag and drop functionality to sort the lists of connections on the home screen of Workbench
[3 Jan 2013 5:49] MySQL Verification Team
Thank your for a feature request.