Bug #6799 Don't show View Progress Log if not logged in as developer
Submitted: 24 Nov 2004 14:49 Modified: 9 Apr 2005 21:19
Reporter: Olaf van der Spek (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:* OS:Any (*)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Nov 2004 14:49] Olaf van der Spek
At the moment the View Progress Log button only works for logged in developers.
If a non-logged user in or non-developer clicks it, it shows an error message that is easily missed.
Could you hide the button in this case?

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
[9 Apr 2005 20:20] Jim Winstead
'View Progress Log' link is no longer visible to non-developers.
[9 Apr 2005 20:58] Olaf van der Spek
Thanks. Could you do the same for the Developer link?
[9 Apr 2005 21:19] Jim Winstead
If you're logged in, it now only shows the tabs that are accessible to you. If you're not logged in, it shows you all tabs so you can click on them to log in.