Bug #67431 Can't Create new server Instance Profile
Submitted: 31 Oct 2012 2:21 Modified: 24 Jan 2013 17:45
Reporter: Elliot Del Greco Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:MacOS (10.8)
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Mac Create new server Instance Profile

[31 Oct 2012 2:21] Elliot Del Greco
When I try to create new server Instance Profile I'm faced with:
Could not connect to MySQL server:
  Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)
You may continue if the server is simply not running.

Connecting to MySQL server localhost...
Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (61)

I have Installed the mysql pack and the mysql Workbench
I click continue to skip it and I'm faced with:

"Error: File /etc/my.cnf doesn't exist"

What check_admin_commands/local
Checking command 'ps xa | grep "/usr/local/mysql.*/bin/[m]ysqld"'
Server detected as stopped
What find_config_file/local
Check if /etc/my.cnf can be accessed
Operation failed: File /etc/my.cnf doesn't exist

I continued to go forward but all I really want to do is enter Data into my tables, I have already made my EER diagrams I just need to move to the next step and I cannot. Please Help

How to repeat:
Have a OSX 10.8 mac and try to install the my sql server.

It does not work :(

please help
[31 Oct 2012 22:50] Elliot Del Greco
Helpp meeee!
[24 Jan 2013 17:45] Matthew Lord
We're sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking help on using MySQL products. Your problem is not clearly the result of a verifiable/repeatable bug.

I can install MySQL 5.5.29 on Mac OS X 10.8 just fine. I'm not even sure what you've done here and what failed. It sounds like you're issue is with MySQL Workbench but I cannot even tell from what you've written. 

Support on using our products is available both free in our forums at http://forums.mysql.com/ and for a reasonable fee direct from our skilled support engineers at http://www.mysql.com/support/

Thank you for your interest in MySQL.