Bug #6668 Integer "out" parameter from stored procedure returned as string
Submitted: 16 Nov 2004 18:34 Modified: 31 Jan 2005 21:19
Reporter: Paul Hyman Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.2 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: Reggie Burnett CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Nov 2004 18:34] Paul Hyman
I have a stored procedure which has an integer (int32) out parameter.  When I add the parameter, I specify a DbType of Int32.  However, the returned value comes back as the correct value, but as a string.  I realize I can use Int.Parse to convert it, but for the time being I need to be compatible with both Oracle and MySql and Oracle returns the value as an integer.  As a workaround, the returned value type can be checked and converted appropriately.  I am using the 5.0.1 version of the server.

How to repeat:
Create a stored procedure that returns an integer parameter and examine the returned parameter's data type.

Suggested fix:
[9 Dec 2004 15:20] Reggie Burnett
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at
[4 Jun 2010 8:55] rahul bhojane
I have a stored procedure which has an integer (int32) out parameter.  When I  using  MysqlClint provider ,value is return by correct integer value .But when i used odbc provider ,value is return by empty string .I used odbc provide  So plz plz plz plz plz plz send solution of this problem .  I am using the 5.0.1 version of the server.

My Email:bhojanerahul@gmail.com