Bug #66422 Find & Replace features have been lost
Submitted: 16 Aug 2012 19:13 Modified: 5 Dec 2012 23:56
Reporter: David Berg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.42 + OS:Windows (V7 Professional)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[16 Aug 2012 19:13] David Berg
Somewhere between versions 5.2.39 and 5.2.42, two important Find & Replace features in the SQL Editor have been dropped.

1. CTL-H no longer invokes the Replace function. It merely inserts the code 'BS' (for Backspace) into the text wherever the cursor happens to be positioned.

2. Replace Within Selected Text is no longer an option. This was a valuable feature to isolate the range of text over which the Replace function operated.

How to repeat:
Open the SQL Editor to any file. Place the cursor at any position in the file and note its position.  

1. Type CTL-H. Note that the Replace Dialogue does not open. Instead, the code 'BS' is inserted at the cursor position.

2a. Open the Find & Replace Dialogue from the Toolset bar. Note that the formerly available feature to Replace Within Selected Text is no longer present. 

2b. In the hope that the feature might still be slilently implemented, select a segment of text in the file. Attempt to Replace a string of text that appears both within and outside the selected segement. Press 'Replace All.' Note that all occurrences of the string in the file are replaced, both within and outside the selected segment.

Suggested fix:
Please restore these two features.
[19 Aug 2012 14:41] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the bug report. Verified on Windows XP.
[21 Aug 2012 22:20] David Berg
Other features that were lost or changed include:

3. A single TAB from the Find String should position the cursor at the Replace String.

4. Replace ALL should report the number of changes and position the cursor at the last change.

Quite frankly, I think the new Find & Replace Function should be scrapped and the previous one restored. If I may be respectfully critical, this isn't the first time that a feature was reprogrammed by someone who obviously didn't understand the nuances of how the previous feature worked.
[22 Aug 2012 19:47] David Berg
One more observation. The industry standard for the option 'Match Whole Words Only' - and the setting in previous Workbench implementations - is that it's turned OFF by default. In the new Workbench implementation, it's turned ON by default. I think it should revert to being turned OFF by default.
[21 Sep 2012 21:15] Tom Kaminski
Search and replace still missing in 5.2.43.  Non-critical regression, but it's something that I rely on heavily (and I'm sure a lot of other users do too) so I'll just revert back to an older version of workbench for now.
[14 Nov 2012 20:38] Wylie van den Akker
Still missing in 5.2.44 - I'll also be reverting to an older version.
[19 Nov 2012 19:19] David Berg
One more annoyance. The Wrap Around feature works when Finding forward through a script, but doesn't work when Finding backward. It stops at the topmost occurrence of the find string, but doesn't wrap back around to the bottom when Finding backward (left arrow).
[5 Dec 2012 23:27] Philip Olson
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 5.2.45, and here's the changelog entry:

"Control" + "H" did not invoke the replacement function. 

Thank you for the bug report.
[5 Dec 2012 23:56] David Berg
I hope the CTL-H capability isn't the only feature among the several discussed here that was fixed. I will reopen the topic if it is after I download 45.
[25 Feb 2013 18:01] Wylie van den Akker
Ctrl-H still is not at functional parity with previous versions. When Ctrl-H is pressed, any text that has been highlighted should auto paste into the "find" box.