Bug #6640 Cannot re-assign $this
Submitted: 15 Nov 2004 16:00 Modified: 5 Jan 2005 17:49
Reporter: Sebastiaan Lubbers Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.3.1 OS:Windows (Windows XP Pro SP2)
Assigned to: Bryan Alsdorf CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Nov 2004 16:00] Sebastiaan Lubbers

Detect.php(207): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(455): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(479): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(520): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(549): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(567): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(589): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(612): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(634): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(673): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(703): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(726): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(748): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(770): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(792): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(814): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(842): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(879): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(912): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();
Detect.php(938): //SLB: $this =& Net_UserAgent_Detect::singleton();

With PHP 5.0.2 and MySQL 4.1.7

For the moment it seems to work without these lines, however this should not be. I have read that since version x.x of PHP you can indeed not re-assign $this.

How to repeat:
Just run with mentioned versions

Suggested fix:
[15 Nov 2004 20:02] Bryan Alsdorf
This is caused by some old PEAR libraries not being compatible with PHP 5. We have updated the PEAR libraries and eventum works with PHP 5 in bitkeeper. This fix will be included in our next release, Eventum 1.4
[5 Jan 2005 17:49] Bryan Alsdorf
This has been fixed in Eventum 1.4 which we just released.