Bug #66284 The Mysql.data can't be found in Add reference item.
Submitted: 9 Aug 2012 15:44 Modified: 13 Mar 16:44
Reporter: Grady Wang Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-connector-net-6.5.4.msi OS:Other (WINDOWS XP)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Aug 2012 15:44] Grady Wang
I use XP SP3 and VS2005 platform. After installed mysql-connector-net-6.5.4.msi, i created a VB.NET project and want to refer the Mysql.data.
But I can't any Mysql item include Mysql.data in Add reference item.

How to repeat:
XP SP3 OS and VS2005 platform. Then install mysql-connector-net-6.5.4.msi and go to find the Mysql.data in add reference item of VB.NET poject
[9 Aug 2012 17:44] Fernando Gonzalez.Sanchez
Confirmed this is an issue with 6.5.4,

While we provide a fix, you try any of this workarounds:
- Using 6.5.4 add the reference manually using the path C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector Net 6.5.4\Assemblies\v2.0
- Use 6.4.5, which doesn't have the issue.

[15 Jul 2017 12:19] Laurents Meyer
The current net connector supports Visual Studio 2012+ (which supports Windows 7+).
So whether this bug was corrected or not, it should not be of any concern anymore.

This bug report should be closed.