Bug #66036 Workbench Crashes when Expanding Database Table Tree
Submitted: 26 Jul 2012 21:02 Modified: 9 Aug 2012 7:28
Reporter: Matias Silva Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.2.41 OS:Windows (7 64-bit SP1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: expanding table list, regression, show tables, table list

[26 Jul 2012 21:02] Matias Silva
With Workbench open, expanding a Database tree with many tables, on the order of tens of thousands (~30,000).  Problem doesn't appear in the previous version 5.2.40.

I don't have any access to the Event Viewer because of policies imposed on by my employer.

How to repeat:
Create a database.
Create lots of tables.
Connect with workbench 5.2.41.
Click and expand a database.
Click and expand the tables.
Brace for impact.

Suggested fix:
Revert back to 5.2.40
[27 Jul 2012 15:50] Alfredo Kojima
Tried with a 30k table DB in Mac OS X, couldn't repeat. Must be Windows specific
[27 Jul 2012 19:42] Johannes Taxacher
confirmed on win7 x64 with 10k tables
[9 Aug 2012 7:28] Philip Olson
Fixed as of 5.2.42, and here's the changelog entry:

Expanding the tree view for a database with a large number of
tables (tested 30,000) would crash MySQL Workbench.
[21 Jul 2015 19:46] Sergiu Hlihor
This bug is still present is all 6.x Linux x64 versions. Currently I can reproduce it with Workbench build 828 (64 bits) with about 20K tables in one schema. In my case, the autosaved session has the schema saved as expanded which leads to automatically crashing when trying to reopen a saved connection.