Bug #6546 NDB does not interpret a single KEY definition as PRIMARY KEY
Submitted: 10 Nov 2004 12:43 Modified: 17 Dec 2004 22:28
Reporter: Martin Skold Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.7 OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Nov 2004 12:43] Martin Skold
At CREATE TABLE the ndbcluster handler requires that
a primary key is defined as PRIMARY KEY. I single KEY
definition is also by definition a primary key (if NOT NULL)
and can be used as PRIMARY KEY.

How to repeat:
CREATE TABLE affiliates_logs (
       id_affiliates_logs mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
       id_affiliates mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
       host varchar(32) NOT NULL ,
       ip varchar(24) NOT NULL,
       date datetime NOT NULL,
       aff_liste tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_fiche tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_form tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_confirm tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       KEY id_affiliates_logs (id_affiliates_logs)
     ) ;
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table './test/affiliates_logs.frm' (errno: 4335)

adding the PRIMARY keyword:
CREATE TABLE affiliates_logs (
       id_affiliates_logs mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
       id_affiliates mediumint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
       host varchar(32) NOT NULL ,
       ip varchar(24) NOT NULL,
       date datetime NOT NULL,
       aff_liste tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_fiche tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_form tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       aff_confirm tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL ,
       PRIMARY KEY id_affiliates_logs (id_affiliates_logs)
     ) ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.93 sec)
[10 Nov 2004 12:57] Martin Skold
Changed version and removed showstopper flag
[17 Dec 2004 22:28] Tomas Ulin
this is really a limitation with current hidden key implementation that uses autoincrement and thus the table cannot use another autoincremented column,

should be documented under "limitations"
[13 Mar 2014 13:33] Omer Barnir
This bug is not scheduled to be fixed at this time.