Bug #65324 dbt2-0.37.50 script start mysqld error
Submitted: 16 May 2012 0:54 Modified: 26 May 2012 10:26
Reporter: Bin Hong (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Tests Severity:S7 (Test Cases)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[16 May 2012 0:54] Bin Hong

i run dbt2 benchmark with mysql-5.1.51(enterprise edition). when script run to start mysqld that happen these error

Sourcing defaults from /home/test/test_dbt2/iclaustron.conf
 /data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51 --datadir=/ssd_data0/bench/ndb/var_1 --pid-file=/tmp/mysqld_1.pid --bind-address= --port=3306 --user=root --socket=/tmp/mysql_1.sock --language=/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/mysql/english
Installing MySQL system tables...
120516  6:21:57 [ERROR] Can't find messagefile '/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys'
120516  6:21:57 [ERROR] Aborting

i found stand directory should be /data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/english/errmsg.sys

not /data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys

but i not found fix this problem .
i don't known  in which script .

How to repeat:
use dbt2-0.37.50  benchmark mysql-5.1.51 innodb

Executing /home/test/test_dbt2/src/dbt2-0.37.50/scripts/mgm_cluster.sh --default-directory /home/test/test_dbt2 --start --initial --mysqld --cluster_id 1 --conf-file /home/test/test_dbt2/dis_config_c1.ini 
++++++++++ Running MySQL Cluster start/stop scripts +++++++++++

Sourcing defaults from /home/test/test_dbt2/iclaustron.conf
Start mysqld node 1 on host with port 3306
Perform mysql_install_db first
Sourcing defaults from /home/test/test_dbt2/iclaustron.conf
 /data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults --basedir=/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51 --datadir=/ssd_data0/bench/ndb/var_1 --pid-file=/tmp/mysqld_1.pid --bind-address= --port=3306 --user=root --socket=/tmp/mysql_1.sock --language=/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/mysql/english;
Installing MySQL system tables...
120516  7:03:00 [ERROR] Can't find messagefile '/data1/bench/mysql/mysql-5.1.51/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys'
120516  7:03:00 [ERROR] Aborting

120516  7:03:00 [Note]
[16 May 2012 0:54] Bin Hong
[16 May 2012 0:57] Bin Hong
dbt2 automated config

Attachment: autobench_inodb.conf (application/octet-stream, text), 16.30 KiB.

[16 May 2012 0:57] Bin Hong
dbt2 automate benchmark config

Attachment: autobench_inodb.conf (application/octet-stream, text), 16.30 KiB.

[16 May 2012 1:11] Bin Hong
i found this problem in start-ndb.sh script

line 830 

if test "x$MYSQL_BASE" = "x5.1" ; then

i fix ${BASE_DIR}/share/english

How about this?
[18 May 2012 10:22] Mikael Ronström
Your suggested fix is correct, I will fix the script in the public tarball next upload, will update bug when done so.