Bug #65308 Buttons dissapear
Submitted: 14 May 2012 8:37 Modified: 14 May 2012 10:43
Reporter: Petronel Laviniu Malutan Email Updates:
Status: Unsupported Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.17 OS:Windows (Windows 7)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: buttons dissapear

[14 May 2012 8:37] Petronel Laviniu Malutan
I start the Administrator app and click on backup, a new project and than I switch to different windows. When I come back I don't see buttons anymore ! If I move the mouse over the place where the buttons should be, they are reappearing !

How to repeat:
I start the Administrator app and click on backup, a new project and than I switch to different windows. When I come back I don't see buttons anymore ! If I move the mouse over the place where the buttons should be, they are reappearing !

Suggested fix:
check needed
[14 May 2012 10:43] Valeriy Kravchuk
MySQL Administrator is not supported for a long time already, so even if this is a bug nobody is going to fix it. Use MySQL Workbench instead.