Bug #64944 Failure to reproduce captcha clears the text field.
Submitted: 11 Apr 2012 13:47 Modified: 19 Apr 2012 13:11
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:after re-captcha OS:Any
Assigned to: Vlad Safronov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[11 Apr 2012 13:47] Peter Laursen
Some months ago bugs.mysql had added captcha verification when commenting in a bug report (in order to reduce spam - and it works 99%. So far so good).  

However sometimes the captcha patterns/words can be difficult to resolve (for instance it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish "rn" and "m", "lc" and "k" etc.).  I such cases you basically have to guess and there is a non-zero failure rate.

If a wrong pattern is entered the text box with the written comment clears.  This is annoying if you have been spending time on writing a long comment (with alternate test case or whatever).

How to repeat:
see above.

Suggested fix:
If user fails to resolve captcha correctly, keep the content of the textbox.
[11 Apr 2012 13:58] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report.
[14 Apr 2012 11:03] Peter Laursen
I figured out that I could use the browser BACK button twice to recover the text field.  But this is not obvious.
[19 Apr 2012 11:41] Vlad Safronov
this has been fixed in #64980.