Bug #647 | Selete For Update | ||
Submitted: | 12 Jun 2003 19:59 | Modified: | 30 Jun 2004 17:27 |
Reporter: | RaguNathan T | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / ODBC | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 3.51 | OS: | Windows (windows xp and 98) |
Assigned to: | Dean Ellis | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[12 Jun 2003 19:59]
RaguNathan T
[14 Jul 2003 12:36]
Venu Anuganti
Hi !! I couldn't able to repeat your behavior. Note that, as long as you have defined a primary key column, then there is no means that driver can update all rows when using server side cursor. You can find the same example from here, which does the rs.update: http://www.mysql.com/products/myodbc/manual.html#Connector/ODBC_With_VB Also, I noticed that still you are referencing to ADO 2.5, but better you use ADO 2.7 or 2.8 as 2.5 is pretty old. Thanks Venu
[15 Jul 2003 4:14]
RaguNathan T
Hello sir, as per your advice we changed the ado reference from 2.5 to 2.7. below is coding i have done. in this sortorder is the primary key field. but this also affects all the rows in my table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dim db as New ADODB.Connection,rs as New ADODB.Recordset db.open "DSN=Cooltex;Option=3" rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer rs.Open "select billed from producttransaction where sortorder=1 for Update", db, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic rs!billed = 5 rs.Update rs.Close Set rs = Nothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the above code updates all the rows. then i tried with clientsidecursor option. on that that replies "-2147467259 - Key column information is insufficient or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update." but sortorder field is primary key and it is auto increment field. please provide a solution immediately. becos we are using only recordset updates and inserts.
[27 Apr 2004 3:41]
[ name withheld ]
I've had exact the same Problem on XP. Unwanted mass update on all records using ADO's rs.update Im using ADO and MYSQL with ODBC with VBSCRIPT. Tried all cursortypes, all options, etc. and nothing helped but this one: instead of: "Select yourfield from yourtable where yourkey=123" rs("yourfield")=NewValue : rs.update to fetch the recordset I wanted to change, I used: "Select * from yourtable where yourkey=123" rs("yourfield")=NewValue : rs.update and this time it worked- Strange, seems to be a bug...
[18 May 2004 17:11]
joshua han
I'd bet that as long as you retrieved the pkey field in your original recordset, it would work out properly as well. This way, you wouldn't have to retrieve the entire row. It might be a bug in the MyODBC driver not retrieving a key field properly. Cheers!
[30 Jun 2004 8:55]
Jan Bouwhuis
When the key field is included, it will indeed work. But when the key is over 2 or more columns the problem persists. I thing the only way will be using an 'UPDATE' query instead.
[30 Jun 2004 17:27]
Dean Ellis
I am unable to repeat this using MDAC 2.8 and MyODBC 3.51.08. The row is correctly updated whether or not I use a composite key and whether or not I select the key column(s). Perhaps it is something particular to your schema?
[29 Nov 2005 21:40]
I am getting the same error message when trying to call rst.update using an ADO 2.1 recordset in Access 2000 with a client-side cursor and a table with a multi-field primary key. I instantly fixed the error by simply switching to a server-side cursor (myConn.CursorLocation = adUseServer) So this appears to be a bug when using ADO 2.1 in MS Access 2000 VBA, too.
[21 Jan 2006 6:22]
Lier Duh
Same here, MySQL-4.1.12 MyODBC 3.51.12 (same using 3.51.6) ADO 2.7 (same under 2.5) I am using VBA with Option 3 connect string. The only way to avoid this is to "SELECT *" or "SELECT key_field,"... The same bug is also reported under bug #5634: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=5634 I believe SQL server returns some silent fields when requesting by ADO using recordset. One would think MyODBC needs to include the fields in the WHERE clause when updating recordsets.
[13 Mar 2006 4:45]
Brad Brening
Add me to this list. I am running MySQL 5 with the latest ODBC driver (as of this date - just downloaded and installed yesterday). My SQL: "SELECT catCount FROM dbCategories WHERE catID = " & NewID I open my RS this way: RS.Open fSQL, Conn, 1, 3 If I try RS(0) = CInt(RS(0)) + 1, ALL rows in the table are affected. If, however, I do as a previous post mentions and ALSO ask for the key field: "SELECT catCount, catID FROM dbCategories WHERE catID = " & NewID THEN it works as expected.
[20 Mar 2011 5:07]
von kierulf
ihave the same problem..key column information is insufficient of incorrect... i solved the problem just last night... instead of: SubSql "Select on_inventory from tblStockList where lot_num = '" & cboLot.Text & "' and p_code = '" & lvwList.ListItems(i).SubItems(1) & "'" subrs.fields(0) = 1 subrs.update i do it this way... SubSql "Select * from tblStockList where lot_num = '" & cboLot.Text & "' and p_code = '" & lvwList.ListItems(i).SubItems(1) & "'" subrs.fields!on_inventory = 1 subrs.update and it worked fine... i was able to solve it by reading this thread...thanks a lot!