Bug #641 MySQL optional service on Win2k is not starting
Submitted: 12 Jun 2003 3:20 Modified: 12 Jun 2003 4:37
Reporter: Gemma Burman Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.0.12 OS:Windows (Win2k Advanced Server)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jun 2003 3:20] Gemma Burman
Reference- Kerry Ancheta

MySQL optional service on Win2k is not starting

How to repeat:
If I install a mysql optional service by giving 
mysqld-max-nt --install "some service" the service is not starting.
but if I run the following 

mysqld-max-nt --install 
the default mysql service is starting.
[12 Jun 2003 4:37] MySQL Verification Team
For to install an optional service like:

mysqld-max-nt --install myopt

you need to add a section called [myopt] in the my.ini file e.g.:



Notice that you need to specify different port for every service
running on the same machine and the data must not shared between
the servers.