Bug #63497 Workbench often crashes when modeling EER Diagram
Submitted: 30 Nov 2011 4:48 Modified: 16 Dec 2011 15:59
Reporter: Ivonov Ivan Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.36 OS:Linux (Linux Mint 11)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: crash, diagram, EER, linux, modeling

[30 Nov 2011 4:48] Ivonov Ivan
When modeling EER Diagram(make tables, layers and click to edit them) MySql Workbench suddenly crash, and simple shutdown.

How to repeat:
I'm simple modeling diagrams, make layers, tables. And sometimes, but very often, when click on the table to edit it columns or key, MySql Workbench suddenly crash.

Suggested fix:
No suggestion.
[30 Nov 2011 4:50] Ivonov Ivan
This file is output of "mysql-workbench > output.txt" from start till crash

Attachment: output.txt (text/plain), 44.54 KiB.

[3 Dec 2011 19:02] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, check, if the same problem still happens with a newer version, 5.2.36.
[14 Dec 2011 11:32] Ivonov Ivan
With new workbench 5.2.36 problem still alive. error out the same.
[15 Dec 2011 20:05] Armando Lopez Valencia
Thanks for your report.
[17 Jan 2012 11:16] Jonathan Cairns
I have also experienced the same bug. It happens almost every time when changing between the "index" and "foreign key" tabs on a table editor window.

I've also uploaded my output file, showing details of a segmentation fault.
[17 Jan 2012 11:17] Jonathan Cairns
Output file using Mysql Workbench 5.2.6 on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit.

Attachment: output.txt (text/plain), 64.42 KiB.

[26 Jan 2012 12:13] Valentín Barros
I have the same problem using MySQL Workbench 5.2.37 on Linux Mint 10.
[21 Feb 2012 3:34] Lasana Murray
Workbench crashes and dumps this when I chage options in the foreign key menu.

Attachment: dump.txt (text/plain), 67.16 KiB.

[5 Sep 2012 22:40] Greg Blumenthal
Also with 5.2.42 on Ubuntu 12.04