Bug #6294 MySQL Administrator bug with MySQL 4.1.7
Submitted: 27 Oct 2004 21:41 Modified: 10 Nov 2004 16:44
Reporter: Niels van Aert Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.13 OS:Windows (Windows 2000 Server)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Oct 2004 21:41] Niels van Aert
Dear Developpers,

Today I upgraded to MySQL 4.1.7
But now when using MySQL Administrator in the User Area I only got two tabs and all other tabs are missing.

The two I got are: User Administration and Schema Privileges
Also when I apply certain schema privileges to them it doesn't seem to apply them either.

Could you please fix this asap because this bug is very annoying.

Thanks in Advance,

How to repeat:
Install MySQL 4.1.7 and use MySQL Administrator and go to the User Administration area and try to modify schema privileges and see the other tabs missing.
[28 Oct 2004 3:29] Peter Crosby
I believe that the additional schema can be activated from the Options menu under Tools  then Administrator.

However, I'm having the same problem getting the privilege changes to "stick" to the user, so to speak.  I go in as the root, pick a user that I created and try to add some privileges (e.g. select, edit, etc.).  I highlight the priv. click the arrow and it appears in the assigned privilege column.  When I click, Accept Changes, the assigned priv. column clears and I'm back to a user with no apparent priv.  I've checked this by going back to the command line and trying to access the database in question and I'm consistently denied access.
[28 Oct 2004 20:03] MySQL Verification Team
You can activate addition tabs using Tools->Options window.

I tried add some privileges to the existing user and it worked fine. Could you please describe the exact set of changes that haven't been saved.
[28 Oct 2004 23:45] Niels van Aert
Any change I make, however, I just added the Global Privileges and other Priviliges like you said from the Options menu.

But when I want to add Global Privileges, I am not able to give any privleges out to anyone, I just get to see 2 blank columns, while I am the root administrator, and it's not my MySQL Server that is the problem I know that for sure because when I use phpMyAdmin it works fine to assign privileges.
[28 Oct 2004 23:48] Niels van Aert
About what I meant with priviliges, it doesn't matter which database or privilege I select

Because I just click on Schema Privileges then Select one or various rights then press the < button to add them and click on Apply Changes, but as soon as I click on Apply changes nothing, happens and it just gets back to default status with which I mean that no privileges are given to that user.
[29 Oct 2004 12:32] [ name withheld ]
Same problem here. Using Windows 2003 server. The extra tabs can be made visible with the Option screen but the privileges don't stick. 
When I do apply changes they go back to the side with available privileges. 
When I add a new host and close the app, my hosts are also not visible anymore. From the mysql console I can see that there aren't any users/hosts added either. 

[31 Oct 2004 14:43] Mathieu D.
I'm using Windows XP Service Pack 2 with MySQL Server 4.1.7 and MySQL Administrator 1.0.13. I get two blank columns in the "Global Priviliedges" pane for any user. Some times, MySQL Administrator also has problems adding comments to a user saying that "mysql.user_info table does not exists" while it exists.
[31 Oct 2004 14:49] Mathieu D.
I've just realized that I cannot set the max number of queries and connections using the same configuration as above.
[1 Nov 2004 22:11] MySQL Verification Team
This is a duplicate for the bug report #6183
[10 Nov 2004 7:26] Ron Wheeler
Uninstalled all Mysql programs on Win 2000.
Reinstalled the latest versions and I have the same problem. Privileges for root do not show (can see them in select * from user) and if I add privileges they do not stick.  At least it is not deleting them in the database. It appears that the administrator can not write to the database.

The global privileges tab does not show any privileges either assigned or available to be assigned.
[10 Nov 2004 7:35] Ron Wheeler
1.0.14 fixed the problems. I can assign privileges (Global and Schema) to my heart's content.

Now on to the real task; making some applications run!!
[10 Nov 2004 16:44] Matthew Lord
Fixed in administrator 1.0.14
[11 Nov 2004 7:41] Niels van Aert
For the ones not knowing it yet, download MySQL Administrator 1.0.14 upgrading to that version fixes it for me.