Bug #62919 Unable to save passwords when using KDE
Submitted: 25 Oct 2011 3:45 Modified: 31 Mar 2012 2:29
Reporter: Lee Clemens Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.2.35 OS:Linux (Fedora 15)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: gnome-keyring, kde, password

[25 Oct 2011 3:45] Lee Clemens
MySQL Workbench provides the functionality to save passwords; however, passwords are not saved when using KDE.

This is significant functionality and Fedora 15 is "Officially supported".

Note: Sadly, the message stating passwords will not be saved has been removed between 5.2.34 and 5.2.35 ... indicating the intention to hide an issue while not resolving it.

How to repeat:
Install Fedora 15 with KDE as primary desktop environment
Install libgnome-keyring, gnome-keyring, gnome-keyring-pam
Install MySQL Workbench
Attempt to save a password to a Connection
Password is not saved upon restart

Suggested fix:
Allow the saving of passwords when using KDE. I leave the method up to you (wallet, pgp, plain text), but as Fedora 15 is "Officially supported", why should such significant functionality be missing depending upon the desktop environment?
[25 Oct 2011 11:29] MySQL Verification Team
I couldn't repeat on Fedora 14.
[27 Oct 2011 14:37] Alfredo Kojima
Is the keyring daemon started before WB is started?
[29 Oct 2011 17:32] Lee Clemens
Yes, gnome-keyring-daemon is running.

Please note, while I am using a supported OS (Fedora 15), I am using KDE - not GNOME.
[13 Nov 2011 5:48] Alfredo Kojima
But is it started *before* workbench and in the same session? If you start keyring from a terminal and then Workbench from another terminal or from some KDE menu, Workbench will not the keyring daemon
[13 Nov 2011 17:51] Lee Clemens
Yes, it is started *before* workbench. Has this been tested on a Fedora 15/KDE system? Your previous comment states you tested on Fedora 14 (which is NOT supported by MySQL). I'm curious is this has been tested on a supported system (according to MySQL).
[24 Nov 2011 15:08] Alfredo Kojima
The supported system is GNOME.
[25 Nov 2011 22:20] Lee Clemens
The "Supported Platforms" include Fedora 15:


Your own Supported Platforms documentation makes no mention of only certain desktop environment being supported.
[20 Dec 2011 16:24] Armando Lopez Valencia
Thanks a lot for pointing out this to us.
We are in process to update our supported systems list.
[20 Jan 2012 1:53] Alfredo Kojima
If you call Plugins -> Start Shell for MySQL Utilities
and then type:
env|grep KEYRING
What output do you get?
[29 Jan 2012 15:32] Lee Clemens
GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL=/tmp/keyring-<Unique ID>

Running PID's command: /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
[15 Mar 2012 11:44] MySQL Verification Team
Please try version 5.2.38. Thanks.
[31 Mar 2012 2:29] Lee Clemens
It does appear to be working now, thanks!