Bug #6259 Access violation doing nothing
Submitted: 26 Oct 2004 9:52 Modified: 26 Nov 2004 16:30
Reporter: Andreas Götz Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.8 OS:Windows (WinXP SP1)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Oct 2004 9:52] Andreas Götz
I used QB to create/edit some table data, then left the window in the background. After some time I wanted to continue and QB showed access violatoin when window can to foreground, without executing additional action. Attached is screenshot that should help identify the source in question

How to repeat:
Not sure- leave running unattended? This has happened more than once...

Suggested fix:
[26 Oct 2004 9:53] Andreas Götz
Access Violation

Attachment: access violation.PNG (image/x-png, text), 75.63 KiB.

[26 Oct 2004 17:08] MySQL Verification Team
Sorry I wasn't able to repeat..I did a table..minimized the QB..let for
15 min..and then create another table. What were the steps you
did for that to happens ?.
[26 Oct 2004 19:19] Andreas Götz
I was editing some table data (edit/apply)- anyway, the error message should in Delphi be enough to find the source line in questoin. Shouldn't this help to find where the issue comes from? 
Unfortunately it only happens after some time :(
[15 Nov 2004 8:55] Andreas Götz
Why is this can't repeat? The access violation address should give access to the exact source line where this happend in delphi?
[25 Nov 2004 10:12] Mike Lischke
Unfortunately, the error message does not help much. The address points now to some strings in the executable. No wonder, we have worked a lot since 1.0.8.

I strongly recommend that you update to the latest version (1.1.1). This will hopefully also fix a number of other problems for you.

[26 Nov 2004 14:30] Andreas Götz
OK, will see if this happens again- suggest to close meanwhile. The error report should have helped when 1.0.8 still was the current version...

[26 Nov 2004 16:30] Mike Lischke
Andreas, just reopen this bug if you the new version does not solve your problem.
